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  1. I just want to make sure I have understood you correctly. All I have to do to upload unmonetized dayz standalone gameplay is give Bohemia Interactive credit for the game in the YouTube description box? Thanks
  2. Hi, I just wanted an official answer as to what the rules are for uploading unmonetized DayZ Standalone gameplay footage to YouTube. I have a small YouTube channel and I want to upload some DayZ Standalone gameplay footage to YouTube via my channel just for fun; at the moment my channel is very small and I am not making any money from my videos. However, if my channel were to get popular I then may consider monetizing the videos (I understand I would then have to get the A&V license that is posted in the first post of this thread if I decided to start monetizing the videos) but for now I will not be monetizing the videos I upload. Are there any rules for uploading unmonetized DayZ Standalone gameplay footage to YouTube; if so, what are the rules you suggest I follow? I just wanted to get an official answer before I start uploading my DayZ Standalone gameplay videos. Thanks.