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About Hbody

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  1. hi, at first its a very fine modification.. awesome guys :459: .. yesterday i test in editor and it looks fantastic.. some bugs i found ..in your M40 ammobox is no weapon but in A3 arsenal the M40 works fine ..i think theres some little bugs,too but i dont remember yet :D ...one day between and your awesome work blend it out. so far greetz H
  2. Hbody

    CO@24 Abu Kamal Raid

    The weapons and ammo is okay ,that works fine ..And a good choice with the outfit and weapons..looks very nice.
  3. Hbody

    CO@24 Abu Kamal Raid

    hi set indipend units are allied with OPFOR (your settings with BLU)..it should be better when the enemy shoot at you :) greetz Hbody
  4. Hbody


    Awesome guys,good work :thumb::thumb:
  5. Hbody


    Great job guys. :459:...looks awesome:thumb: