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About Ion_Tychi

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Ion_Tychi

    Kunduz, Afghanistan [10km] v1.20

    hey, noticed a problem with kunduz map an t8 units script. we get monster lags while playing custom mission on our server with t8 units script. the script works fine with altis map. so in my opinion theres a problem with map and ki script i cant solve.
  2. best ai mod i seen so far. great work. thx for this.....
  3. nice work guys. keep it on!
  4. Ion_Tychi

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    had the same problem. put the init command on top of the init. should solve your problem. for me it works. cya
  5. Ion_Tychi

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    i gave it a try. both work together. the problem i had is caused by nonlogical things but not a conflict between upsmon and aissp. its arma i think :rolleyes:. cya
  6. Ion_Tychi

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    one question. could it be that if i use upsmon and another aissp they conflict? anybody knows how i could find the problem? thx for replay
  7. Ion_Tychi

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    hey sunfin, is it possible to use assip for caf_ag or rhs and let a group walk in formation?
  8. Ion_Tychi

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    hey coolinator, theres a pdf inside the download for handling the script. put in your code: "LINE","CARELESS","LIMITED". so the patrol should walk slowly in lineformation and also react in fire or enemycontact (belog to the ai system you use).
  9. Ion_Tychi

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    hey, checked upsmon with bcombat on my server. looks really cool, for the test a cant see any problems. really nice work mate! cya
  10. Ion_Tychi

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    jep using ambush2. heres a part of the rpt.: 2014/12/14, 1:28:20 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Zargabad\Scripts\UPSMON\COMMON\Cover\fnc\UPSMON_fnc_find_cover.sqf, line 34 2014/12/14, 1:28:20 Error in expression < if (_spawn) then { { _pos2 = _unitpos findEmptyPosition [1,25]; _x setposATL _> 2014/12/14, 1:28:20 Error position: <findEmptyPosition [1,25]; _x setposATL _> 2014/12/14, 1:28:20 Error Type Any, expected Number 2014/12/14, 1:28:20 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Zargabad\Scripts\UPSMON\COMMON\Cover\fnc\UPSMON_fnc_find_cover.sqf, line 33 2014/12/14, 1:28:20 Error in expression <= _unitpos findEmptyPosition [1,25]; _x setposATL _pos2; }foreach _units; }; _m> 2014/12/14, 1:28:20 Error position: <setposATL _pos2; }foreach _units; }; _m> 2014/12/14, 1:28:20 Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected 2014/12/14, 1:28:20 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Zargabad\Scripts\UPSMON\COMMON\Cover\fnc\UPSMON_fnc_find_cover.sqf, line 34 2014/12/14, 1:28:20 Error in expression < if (_spawn) then { { _pos2 = _unitpos findEmptyPosition [1,25]; _x setposATL _> 2014/12/14, 1:28:20 Error position: <findEmptyPosition [1,25]; _x setposATL _> 2014/12/14, 1:28:20 Error Type Any, expected Number 2014/12/14, 1:28:20 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Zargabad\Scripts\UPSMON\COMMON\Cover\fnc\UPSMON_fnc_find_cover.sqf, line 33 2014/12/14, 1:28:20 Error in expression <= _unitpos findEmptyPosition [1,25]; _x setposATL _pos2; }foreach _units; }; _m> 2014/12/14, 1:28:20 Error position: <setposATL _pos2; }foreach _units; }; _m> 2014/12/14, 1:28:20 Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected 2014/12/14, 1:28:20 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Zargabad\Scripts\UPSMON\COMMON\Cover\fnc\UPSMON_fnc_find_cover.sqf, line 34 2014/12/14, 1:28:21 Unsupported language English in stringtable 2014/12/14, 1:28:21 Unsupported language English in stringtable 2014/12/14, 1:28:21 Mission Urugal_Valley2.fata: Number of roles (3) is different from 'description.ext::Header::maxPlayer' (4) 2014/12/14, 1:28:21 No owner im using bcombat, could it be a problem between bcombat and upsmon? all in all nice script. use it in every mission i build. keep up ur great work!
  11. Ion_Tychi

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    hey, i get an errormessage in my server.rpt "Error in expression < if (_spawn) then { { _pos2 = _unitpos findEmptyPosition [1,25]; _x setposATL _>" anybody knows what it meens???
  12. thx for the ansmers. i tryed both codes but the trigger didnt fire.
  13. hey guys, i would create an endmission trigger for 14 players which are grouped to 4 groups. the trigger should fire if all alive playable units reach the trigger. all should work in MP. anybody an idea? im no pro scripter but im willing to learn. so every idea is welcome. ion
  14. Ion_Tychi

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    hey guys, whats about the "DoRelax" order in the upsmon info? someone know? thx, ion
  15. Ion_Tychi

    KI is flipping on server

    hi, i have a question about the KI. since the new update (i think) the KI on my server is flipping forward and backwards. only in zoom modus they move fine. is there anybody who can explain the problem? thx, ion