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Everything posted by clonearmy

  1. clonearmy


    Yeah thanks. With the other jets in the mod they just parachute in so it threw me off. Thanks for the reply
  2. clonearmy


    Hey Jezuro, Love the gamemode. Ive been trying to add custom units and followed the instructions on the first page but I am getting a "asset dispatched to the nearest sector with proper disposition" message when I try to spawn an AC-130 (both variants) from the USAF mod. I am able to spawn any jet but for some reason those are not working. Any thoughts? **EDIT** NVM Figured it out. For some reason even thought I tried with/without the airfield requirement it would not spawn. I tried setting the base to airfield and spawning but no luck. What did work was setting the requirement to airstrip and actually being at an airfield. For some reason it did require me to be at a physical airfield rather then just having a control point set as airstrip.
  3. clonearmy

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    That worked. Thanks : )
  4. clonearmy

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Love this gamemode! I was just wondering if anyone knew where I can get the download to the zerty edition. I saw the one on steam community but I was looking for a dedicated download.