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About RipGroove

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. RipGroove

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    How does ARMA 2 run now days? Keen to get in to the ARMA series, tried to start with ARMA3 but can't get it to run so maybe worth trying ARMA2?
  2. RipGroove

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    I tried Arma again yesterday for the first time in a couple of months and still only saw 15fps. Not very happy to be honest as its not something I can even sell on.
  3. RipGroove

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Will do thanks :-)
  4. RipGroove

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    OK, thanks. Will just have to try and tweak the in game graphics settings some more to try and get some more frames :-)
  5. RipGroove

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Thanks so not much to be gained then really.
  6. RipGroove

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    So someone showed me a thread with some fixes: http://www.battleguns.net/forum/m/7737561/viewthread/6153624-arma-3-cpu-optimization-low-fps-fix But can someone confirm what I should be pasting into the launch options, I've tried the following but it made zero difference: -noSplash -cpuCount=8 -high -maxMem=8192 -exThreads=7 -maxvram=3072 My spec: OS - Windows 8.1 Mobo - MSI 990FXA-GD80 CPU - AMD FX 8350 (8-Core) 4.3GHz GPU - EVGA 780 CLASSIFIED 3GB RAM - 16GB Corsair 1600MHz PSU - Corsair TX750 SSD - Samsung 840 EVO 250GB SSD - Samsung 840 120GB
  7. RipGroove

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    I believe so. ---------- Post added at 09:15 ---------- Previous post was at 09:00 ---------- Ok, tried SSAO off, view distance 1800 and object distance at 1600 and fraps is still showing 20/30fps with nothing going on then 10/17fps when in a fire fight :-( Not good.
  8. RipGroove

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Thanks, will give that a go :-)
  9. RipGroove

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    As above 5% is just as I exited the game. Will try again with the multiple core view open. ---------- Post added at 18:10 ---------- Previous post was at 17:53 ---------- Ok, another screen shot below. TBH with the graphics settings I've selected at 1080p I don't think I'm asking too much from my hardware. It's not the best spec in the world but am only asking it to push out 1080p, and as said it does happily max out Battlefield 4 at 80-120fps all day long. (While playing BF4. CPU usage is around 50% and CPU is 99% as expected) System spec: OS: Windows 8.1 Mobo: MSI FXA990-GD80 CPU: AMD FX8350 (8-Core) 4.3GHz GPU: EVGA 780 Classified 3GB RAM: 16GB Corsair 1600MHz PSU: Corsair TX750 Game settings: SAMPLING - 100% TEXTURE - HIGH OBJECTS - HIGH TERRAIN - HIGH SHADOW - HIGH PARTICLES - HIGH CLOUD - HIGH PIO - HIGH HDR - STANDARD DYNAMIC LIGHTS - HIGH OVERAL VIS - 3800 OBJECT - 3200 SHADOW - 50 DISPLAY - FULLSCREEN RES - 1080P ASPECT - 16:9 V-SYNC - DISABLED INTERFACE - LARGE BLOOM - 0 RADIAL BLUR - 0 ROTATION BLUR - 0 DOF - 100 SSAO - HIGH CAUSTICS - DISABLED FSAA - X2 ATOC - ALL TRESS AND GRASS PPAA - DISABLED ANISO. FILTERING - STANDARD Fraps shows 20-25fps while hanging around in a base with a handful of soldiers at ease and nothing going on, and you can see CPU/GPU usage below... GPU sits at around 20% CPU sits at around 30% Utililization (where you see that 5% below, is usually 28% while playing ARMA3)
  10. RipGroove

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    While in game I only see 20fps on High settings at 1080p, and my CPU & GPU usage seem really low (see image below): System spec: OS: Windows 8.1 Mobo: MSI FXA990-GD80 CPU: AMD FX8350 (8-Core) 4.3GHz GPU: EVGA 780 Classified 3GB RAM: 16GB Corsair 1600MHz PSU: Corsair TX750 I am currently trawling through the sticky at the top of this forum but it's over 250 pages so will take an eternity to read all of it. Am new to Arma and just for reference this PC can max out BF4 on Ultra @ 1080p with 120fps so either Arma 3 is really poorly optimised or there are some Arma specific tweaks I need to do?
  11. RipGroove

    Heli/UAV constant pitching nose up?

    Yeah its not the auto hover stabalizing that I'm seeing so will defo check controls.
  12. Am new to ARMA and have a problem, when taking control of a UAV or flying a Heli the nose keeps pitching up by itself to the point it flips the vehicle over? If for example I turn auto hover on then turn it off again without touching any controls the vehicles nose starts climbing by itself? Or if I take control of a UAV that's on the ground as soon as I throttle up (without touching any other controls) again the nose starts climbing until it flips over?
  13. RipGroove

    Sale in BI store over?

    Done, via Amazon, 1pm delivery tomorrow :-)
  14. Have a free weekend and want to start looking at ARMA 3, I see GAME and AMAZON have the Deluxe version on DVD for less than £30 but can't get it to me by Saturday. Don't really want to pay £40 odd for the download when it's cheaper on hard copy (work that out?) So does anyone know of any stores in the UK that actually have it available?
  15. RipGroove

    Sale in BI store over?

    No digital Deluxe on Steam? ---------- Post added at 20:25 ---------- Previous post was at 20:20 ---------- TBH I don't even think I need the Digital Deluxe version anyway. ---------- Post added at 20:43 ---------- Previous post was at 20:25 ---------- Plus the Digital deluxe seems to be on Amazon now for £27.99 hard copy.