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Posts posted by 666AtYourDoor

  1. Hi I've got some more ideas when you add new islands or country's in why not add a police department and new vehicles like an American police cruiser and a armoured SWAT vehicle plus add in the Police AI with tasers and hand guns. You could even add in more emergency services in like the fire brigade and and the coast guard just little things like that to make towns and cities come to life and feel more real. Also you could add in a small terrorist group who are armed with AK's and RPG-7's and IED's. Other planes would also so be cool. Thanks for reading.

    From 666AtYourDoor

  2. I would love it if they could bring back some of the older weapons like the SA80 (L85A2) or the M16's and AK's also some older vehicles like the Huey and chinook and the LAV-25 this would be really interesting to see. I know the Stratis and Altis are near Greece but maybe take some other islands away from the barren land and take it to a more populated area (it's understandable if you don't because that will cause some lag problems) I just think it would be cool. Thanks for reading have a good one.

    From 666AtYoorDoor

    ---------- Post added at 01:14 ---------- Previous post was at 00:48 ----------

    I would love to if you could shoot from the side of the littlebird so we could have have snipers in in a mobile hovering platform. No rocket launchers can be fired side. This would be brilliant for urban situations flying down a street machine gunners on the side spraying buildings with round awesome. This could also be helpful in dangerous extractions or a dangerous medivac giving suppressing fire as a teammate drags a wounded soldier from the battlefield so you can keep fire on target without having the trouble of getting out and in of the helicopter. It would be hard to shoot from the side when the chopper is moving fast but that's is obvious. Thanks for reading.

    From 666AtYourDoor
