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Everything posted by Falsche9

  1. How do I change the yaw on a moving vehicle? I try setDir and setVectorDir commands and it stops the vehicle or overwrites the vehicle velocity to [0,0,0]; these 2 examples turn the boat at the required rate and angle but speed is cancelled to 0. boat01 addAction ["<t color='#FFFF00'>Rudder Port 10</t>","rudderLeft.sqf", 10, 0.4, false, true]; _boat = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _amount = _this select 3; _counter = 0; _amount = _amount *10; while {_counter < _amount} do { _counter = _counter + 1; _boatDir = getDir _boat; _boat setDir (_boatDir - 0.1); sleep 0.01; }; this also: boat01 addAction ["<t color='#FFFF00'>Rudder Port 10</t>","rudderLeft.sqf", 10, 0.4, false, true]; _boat = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _amount = _this select 3; _counter = 0; _amount = _amount *10; _vel = velocity _boat; _v1 = 0; _v2 = 0; while {_counter < _amount} do { _dir = round(getDir _boat); If ((_dir >= 0) && (_dir <= 90)) then {_v1 = -0.015; _v2 = 0.0015;}; If (_dir >= 90 && _dir <= 180) then {_v1 = 0.0015; _v2 = 0.0015;}; If (_dir >= 180 && _dir <= 270) then {_v1 = 0.0015; _v2 = -0.0015;}; If (_dir >= 270 && _dir <= 360) then {_v1 = -0.0015; _v2 = -0.0015;}; _counter = _counter + 1; _vecDir = vectorDir boat01; _boat setVectorDir [(_vecDir select 0) + _v1,(_vecDir select 1) + _v2,_vecDir select 2]; _boat setVelocity _vel;//I put this here to keep velocity but no effect sleep 0.001; };
  2. Thanks Tajin - that works!
  3. Thanks again - that also doesn't work. BIS_fnc_UnitCapture is not suitable as I was trying to script a sailing dinghy with the "C_Boat_Civil_01_F" and steer it from cargo positions 1&2 so the helm switches sides as in reality. So far I have a moving sail and the mathematics done for velocity relative to wind/sail angle. I thought the steering would be the easy part! It's not so bad, I will just have to use the driver position instead.
  4. Thanks for reply but it doesn't work - boat has 0 velocity until loop is finished. How do BIS steer vehicles? Is there a script somewhere for WASD keys? I will try with setVelocityTransformation also.
  5. Anyone tried setVelocityTransformation ? setVelocityTransformation example /* Rope Towing Script for Arma3 --->> setVelocityTransformation Not a bad result with only a little stutter and better than either setVelocity or attachTo as all vectors/directions are matched without rigid link, but strage things can happen if the rope is too short or _time value is too low. 0 = [car1,car2] execVM "tow.sqf"; */ private ["_v1","_v2","_rope","_dist","_time","_spd","_v1_pos","_dir","_newPos","_arr"]; _v1 = _this select 0; _v2 = _this select 1; _rope = ropeCreate [_v1, [0,-3,0], _v2, [0,1.5,-1], 10]; _dist = 12; while {alive _v1} do { _time = 0.07;//set this too low and bungee effects! _spd = speed _v1; _v1_pos = getPosASL _v1; _dir = (getDir _v1) + 180; _newPos = [ (_v1_pos select 0) + _dist*sin _dir, (_v1_pos select 1) + _dist*cos _dir, _v1_pos select 2 ]; _arr = [getPosASL _v2, _newPos, velocity _v2, velocity _v1, vectorDir _v2, vectorDir _v1, vectorUp _v2, vectorUp _v1, _time]; if (_spd > 1) then {_v2 setVelocityTransformation _arr}; }; edit: something needs adjusting in the array - works well on flat terrain nut goes FUBAR on hills - towed car floats.
  6. I put this in the waypoint of a helicopter to make it chase the player with it's spotlight on. Works best if you are in a fleeing vehicle. Maybe you can adapt it? null = [] spawn {while {true} do { (driver heli1) action ["lightOn", heli1]; sleep 0.01;};}; null = [] spawn {while {true} do {_index = currentWaypoint group heli1; [group heli1, _index] setWaypointPosition [position player, 0]; sleep 1};};
  7. container named c1 Trigger Activation: anyone once Cond: ((c1 animationPhase 'Door_1_rot') >= 0.5 || (c1 animationPhase 'Door_2_rot') >= 0.5) onAct: hint "c1 door open"; onDeac: hint "c1 door closed"; Condition is in the config viewer under user actions (there is no ID for editor placed objects)
  8. TAG_fnc_teleport = { (vehicle player) setPos _pos; hintSilent format ["Moved to grid %1", mapGridPosition player]; ["Teleport_ID", "onMapSingleClick"] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler; }; ["Teleport_ID", "onMapSingleClick", "TAG_fnc_teleport"] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler; Does anyone notice that if you set this up to work for 1 teleport only it breaks the shift + LMB player waypoint function? Try the above code, teleport, then open map again, press shift + Left Mouse Button and you do not get a waypoint.
  9. Falsche9

    Laser Des for dummies

    Remove the other magazines from the F18-E: (You can see this in the config viewer) this removeMagazineGlobal "js_m_fa18_m61"; {this removeMagazineGlobal "js_m_fa18_aim9x_x1";} forEach [1,2]; {this removeMagazineGlobal "js_m_fa18_aim120c_x1";} forEach [1,2,3,4]; {this removeMagazineGlobal "js_m_fa18_Maverick_x1";} forEach [1,2]; Place a JTAC unit near your opfor target. The AI JTAC will laser the target for you. Or laser the target yourself - the AI pilot will bomb the target with the above code.
  10. Does this thing happen when the server is locked an no one else joined? ;)
  11. Falsche9

    Change position in vehicle

    It does sound like it?! Press F2 to select you 1st AI teamate Press 4 to display nearby vehicles Select the vehicle from the list Menu will appear with something like 1.Anywhere 2.Driver 4.Gunner 5.Ride in back If there is only 1 vehicle on the map the keys to press in sequence will be F2-4-2-2 to move your 1st AI team mate into the driver position of the vehicle.
  12. Falsche9

    Change position in vehicle

    As fight9 said it's all still there in the commanding menu and has not changed since Arma2? Select AI with F1 - F11 Vehicle options are 4 key Select vehicle and seating options menu appears get in: Driver,Gunner,Commander,Ride in Back Select driver with function keys then move to - open map and click middle mouse button.
  13. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setVehicleVarName http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/moveInCargo unitName moveInCargo [vehicle, CargoIndex] http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/assignAsCargoIndex http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/orderGetIn _unit1 assignAsCargoIndex [_vcl, 1]; [_unit1] orderGetIn true;
  14. If you want enemy aircraft to destroy a building use a laserTarget: _nBuild = [0,0,0] nearestObject 26967;//replace with building ID _box = boundingBox _nBuild; _height = _box select 1 select 2; _lt = "LaserTargetE" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _lt attachTo [_nBuild,[0,0,_height]];
  15. results from config viewer: configfile >> "CfgAmmo" >> "DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo" = ["PipeBombBase","PipeBombCore","TimeBombCore","Default"] configfile >> "CfgAmmo" >> "SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo" = ["PipeBombBase","PipeBombCore","TimeBombCore","Default"]
  16. this script detects explosions: //nul = [this,25] execVM "exploDetector.sqf"; private ["_list","_unit","_range","_target","_class","_fired","_fnc_exb"]; _fnc_exb = { _item = _this select 0; _class = typeOf _item; waitUntil {!(alive _item)}; player sidechat format ["%1 exploded",_class]; }; _unit = _this select 0; _range = _this select 1; _fired = []; while {alive _unit} do { _list = (position _unit) nearObjects ["Default",_range]; if (count _list >=1) then { _ammo = _list select 0; if (!(_ammo in _fired)) then { nul = [_ammo] spawn _fnc_exb; _fired = _fired + [_ammo]; }; }; sleep 0.01; };
  17. Falsche9


    _ret = [ configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "I_Heli_light_03_F", {getText (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "I_Heli_light_03_F" >> "displayName")} ] call BIS_fnc_uniqueClasses; copyToClipboard (str (_ret)); _ret: Do not ask me what it means - no clue. Diagnostic function to see what information feeds to the class from the config tree?
  18. Falsche9

    Popup Target hitmarker

    I came up with something similar: place a "Simple Target" (class "Target_F") on your range and put this in the init: this addEventHandler ["HitPart", {_spr = "Sign_Sphere10cm_F" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _spr setPosASL (_this select 0 select 3);}]; this worked on vehicles and other signs too.
  19. This works: player removePrimaryWeaponItem "acc_pointer_IR"; player addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight"; //then player action ["GunLightOn", player]; //then player action ["GunLightOff", player]; IRLaser action does not. AI will use laser during combat with this code but I also can't get player laser to work: unitName enableIRLasers true;
  20. Working here - did you start the viewer again? Try A & P set to unknown for a larger list.
  21. Falsche9

    Put IR strobe like smoke

    It probably could be added to the module for anyone that can't type or copy and paste text in init lines.
  22. Firstly it is better to ask these questions in the mission editing forum: http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?162-ARMA-3-MISSION-EDITING-amp-SCRIPTING Place another 32 units on the map and set them to playable.
  23. Falsche9

    Put IR strobe like smoke

    "B_IRStrobe" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "markerName"); "I_IRStrobe" createVehicle (getPosATL player); "O_IRStrobe" createVehicle (position something);
  24. Falsche9

    making ai take more damage

    Put this loop into a file called initServer.sqf in the mission folder or execVM the loop file from initServer.sqf. while {true} do { { if ( side _x == EAST) then { if (_x isKindOf "Man") then { _x removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage"; _x addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{_damage = (_this select 2)*2; _damage}]; }; }; }forEach allUnits; sleep 300; }; or [] execVM "damageLoop.sqf"; https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Event_Scripts
  25. Falsche9

    making ai take more damage

    This is a script used for testing, replaces fired bullet with another type: _soldat = _this select 0; TAG_fnc_kugelErsetzen = { _kgl = _this select 0; _vel = velocity _kgl; _pos1 = getPosATL _kgl; _nKgl = "B_127x108_Ball" createVehiclelocal _pos1; _nKgl setVelocity _vel; }; _soldat addEventHandler ["fired", { if (_this select 1 == (primaryWeapon (_this select 0))) then { [_this select 6] call TAG_fnc_kugelErsetzen; } }]; /* "B_762x51_Ball" "B_127x108_Ball" "B_20mm" */