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Everything posted by anog92

  1. Well, from my experience, when you start talking about things that will be in the future, you may disappoint yourselves if you can't reach it. I could be entirely wrong, but I would focus on getting the basics down before talking about what you have listed here. Sorry if I offended you.
  2. Even though I really am looking forward to a Napoleonic era mod, this seems a like an unrealistic goal to be setting yourselves. Regardless, I hope you can achieve it! Good luck!
  3. anog92

    Black Powder Mod

    Do you remember playing that old Half Life 2 mod Battlegrounds 2 and having linebattles as well as Napoleonic Wars for Mount And Blade? They were fun as hell and I would like to try to make missions for my group or any other people who want to play old line battles and such, but there really isn't many assets for muskets and units except for that one NW mod that was dropped. If you are already making assets for a Revolutionary period, you could make unit packs and weapon packs to have some assets for groups who want to make missions seperate from your mod it would be greatly appreciated. I am not holding you to it, but if you could it would be great. It would be a great change of pace for many groups to go from modern combat to 1-shot muskets in TvTs and even coops. If it is out of your way, I don't blame you, but I would like it.
  4. anog92

    Black Powder Mod

    Please, as a request from me, if it means anything, please do not turn this into a DayZ-esque thing with starting on the beach with nothing. These assets you are creating are really cool and can be used to make actual scenarios that are much better than playing DayZ with them. I hate to say that, but if you are going to release a survival mod with these assets, I beg you to release a seperate pack with units and weapons for mission makers.
  5. anog92

    Napoleonic Mod 0.1 Alpha

    I really would hope that this continues being updated. This mod has great potential.