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Everything posted by r3v0ltz

  1. I currently have this in my description.ext disableChannels[]={0,2,3,6}; It wont disable when the server restarts until the player loads in. Is it possible to kick or disable global voice when a player joins the server?
  2. I am trying to figure out how to get the ForcePos to work with objects. I read some of the strings and that on the createVehicle wiki, but it doesn't go into detail about ForcePos. My issue is that I sometimes have players who knock certain objects away from where they originally are, what I mean by that is I have Sign stands setup to be used as a shop system, but some players will take vehicles and knock them down or away from the area. Would ForcePos stop them from knocking them down? How would I go about making this work? This is what I have it as _vehicle_23094 = objNull; if (true) then { _this = createVehicle ["Infostand_2_EP1", [4057.35, 11662.7, 0.000128174], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _vehicle_23094 = _this; _this setDir 207.046; _this setPos [4057.35, 11662.7, 0.000128174]; forcePos = true; };
  3. Enable simulation worked perfectly well for me.
  4. I am currently trying to make some sort of a launcher to allow players to connect to any of my servers using this launcher which will allow for them to set for the required path. The thing is I am trying to get so that it will display the status of the server and players currently on it using Steam Master List for the query since Gamespy doesn't work anymore. I have tried gameQ's but it won't scan the server due to gamespy being shut down. I believe I can use Steam's <aster Server query list to get to server to pull it? https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Master_Server_Query_Protocol
  5. They don't spawn when I get rid of if (true) .
  6. I'll try getting rid of that and seeing if it fixes it or not.
  7. I think it might be due to is a player hits the infostand with a vehicle or a bike it will disappear on server restart. Calling it from server_functions.sqf using call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\bankzones\banks.sqf"; Here is my banks file
  8. Yeah my infostand keeps disappearing on server restart.
  9. Now I have a issue. Soon as I restarted my server, all my infostands disappeared. How would I go about doing that? Edit Fixed it!
  10. It works! Now how do I make it so that its just on the ground instead of it being a little above it? My guess would be editing the z coord in the attachto?
  11. https://resources.bisimulations.com/w/index.php?title=createVehicle createVehicle [type,position,markers,placement,special,local,asl,noClip,symbol,forcePos] I have this set now _vehicle_23102 = objNull; //Bandit if (true) then { _this = createVehicle ["Infostand_2_EP1", [1623.8, 7800.66, 0.00140381], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE", false, false, false, "", true]; _vehicle_23102 = _this; _this setDir -239.602; _this setPos [1623.8, 7800.66, 0.00140381]; }; But the object wont appear anymore.