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About Khaindar

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    Arma, Jugger, Archery
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  1. I`m sorry to bother you again, Igi, but i cant get it working... there MUST be an error... I can`t find it, not even in DevMod.... I added e.g. just the Classname of the Hatchback (Sport) in the hatchback file... and if he is loading for ~30 secs. I cant load ANY new car with the script... but i can load the normal Hatchback... How? they are defiately the same... So i think, can it have problems with CBA...etc? does this give other class-names? Anyway, even my friends looked over it, but can`t find any Mistake... so please, can you just make the HEMTT in there to work? (and send me the new script ;)) I will look how oyu added it and make the fine-tuning like levelling it and add the rest, but somehow i must have a mistake in my new adds ;) Please, and a BIIIIIIG Thanks from Khaindar ;)
  2. IF it works ;) but thanks to make clear that i have no mistakes in it ;)
  3. you dont get this as a normal Addon //mod, you need to put the whol script (just drag&Drop it into your mission-folder (found under <user>\documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\<Your Profile Name>\missions\<Mission Name>) place it in there, save the mission and run it ;)
  4. Not really, its not designed to get a Tank air-lifted, you need to expand / add the tank to your Script... but see my previous-Post. Hopefully somebody can help me, then i can help you too ;) Best Wishes Khaindar
  5. Hey, This is the Mod of my Dreams! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!:yay: But i have a question: i have added more vehicles to it, but somehow the script works only sometimes.... the other half of the games (all EXACTLY the same script) seem like using the "Vanilla" script (even though it dont exist in the Folder.... Now the question; wheres my mistake? (I never scripted in my whole Life! so please dont talk in Nerdy-languages ;) Can Sb tell me, if i need to add the new Vehicles also somewhere else? And why is it perfectly working in ~33%? Thanks Khaindar
  6. Khaindar

    A-10C for Arma 3

    This is a great Mod! (posting this to get atleast 1 Post to write Pm`s ;))