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Everything posted by Milne

  1. I'm not sure about BLACK varient but I would love to see ALPINE in the game.
  2. Milne

    ASM - Arma Samples Mod

    Fair enough, still really looking forward to this.
  3. Milne

    ASM - Arma Samples Mod

    Will the units shown with the weapons come with the pack or will those be separate? Also, are you planning on having USMC units? I see you have Army ones from OA and BAF forces shown.
  4. Milne

    ASM - Arma Samples Mod

    Is there a way to get this with JUST the vehicles?
  5. Milne

    ASM - Arma Samples Mod

    Are the vehicles gonna be as tough as they were in Arma 2? Like can I count on a Humvee to protect me from small arms fire for a certain amount.
  6. Milne

    ASM - Arma Samples Mod

    Do the armor and quality of the cover the vehicles provide relative to how good they were in ArmA 2? As in, could I rely on a certain vehicle to take as many hits as they did in Arma 2? Or at least close to it? And also, I am really happy to see someone making a mod off of the Arma Samples. Me and my friends will really love to use these vehicles when it is released.