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About metallicafan33

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    Private First Class

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  1. metallicafan33

    [MP] GWAR3 (Gossamer's Warfare 3)

    it says it has stopped working, no real message. I am running it as administrator
  2. metallicafan33

    [MP] GWAR3 (Gossamer's Warfare 3)

    I can't download the files. the downloader stops working and I don't know how to do it manually
  3. thx, I will try it out in a minute. But can you explain me why East will be assigned to location 1 and 2 to Resistance? I also thought that if I put the units on the preferred location in the editor and disable random starting locations it might possibly work too?
  4. Hello, I am creating a 3 sided warfare mission. Now I have set 3 starting locations which are working, but I also want to assign them to a side. So for example StartingLocation1 will be where East starts. Can anybody help me with doing this?
  5. metallicafan33

    arma 3 warfare?

    That one doesn't have ai controlled leaders. I know benny's version does, but I want to be able to create them myself so I can get it on maps like chernarus
  6. metallicafan33

    arma 3 warfare?

    hi all, I noticed arma 3 does not have a warfare module like arma 2 used to have. I was very disappointed with this, but is there another way to create missions like warfare? or was the module just renamed to something else?
  7. metallicafan33

    warfare ai squads

    hi all, I am now playing a self made warfare mission, but I noticed some ai teams only have the leader in the whole squad. It says 1/1. Does anybody know how I can change this without restarting the mission if that is possible?
  8. metallicafan33

    config_factions question

    okay thanks, I think I know what to do for what I want
  9. hello, I have a question about the config_factions file in the warfare2.pbo. I know you can select 2 factions on 1 side. for example I have usmc and cdf on 1 side. But does this mean they both use the same hq and barracks etc. or do they start out as 2 teams that are allied to each other. Is it also possible to for example put the guerillas to the east side?
  10. hello, I have a question about the config_factions file in the warfare2.pbo. I know you can select 2 factions on 1 side. for example I have usmc and cdf on 1 side. But does this mean they both use the same hq and barracks etc. or do they start out as 2 teams that are allied to each other. Is it also possible to for example put the guerillas to the east side? edit: sorry wrong section.
  11. metallicafan33

    warfare ai buy air units

    It would be very awesome to actually see an enemy jet flying around. I just played for a while and everything seems to be working. Thanks for your help, couldn't have done it without you. Edit: How do you disable diplomacy btw? I now have a mission with 3 sides, but when I start the mission as resistance it immediately goes cease fire with bluefor. that's not what I want nevermind about that, found it. another edit: I found out that bluefor and resistance(cdf and Napa) are allies without me doing anything. How can I remove this so that it's just normal 3 vs 3 with no allies? just forget all of the above, I got it working by setFriend in init_common
  12. metallicafan33

    warfare ai buy air units

    looks like it's all working now. Maybe this is too much but a couple of days ago I also thought it would be cool if the ai also bought fixed wing units, I have already made the airports capturable and the player can buy units from there. I was wondering if this is possible?
  13. metallicafan33

    warfare ai buy air units

    I know a quick workaround for it, but it still doesn't work when building a FSB. for base defense you can just add some more soldiers to the group, but then again I don't think the leader is going to recruit more units. I'm really curious to see what is causing this and how it can be fixed
  14. metallicafan33

    warfare ai buy air units

    I just created a small test mission for it. The unit did recruit when I didn't initialize the config_teams.sqf file. And the unit did not recruit units anymore when I did initialize the file, so there is definitely something there causing the problem for me. I will take a good look at the file again because maybe I am missing something. Just to be clear for this mission I only edited what you told me to in the posts before.
  15. metallicafan33

    warfare ai buy air units

    It's working. I really can't thank you enough for your help Edit: the helicopters are working, but now the 2 riflemen that are supposed to defend and patrol base don't recruit men anymore. I probably have to edit something for it but I don't know what. Can you help me with this too?