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Everything posted by statuquo

  1. statuquo

    PhysX3_x86.dll Crash

    Hi guys, For me answer (like part of it) was in the first pages of the thread ! Let me explain what I'm thinking about : forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/investigation-physx3_x86-dll-crashes-anyone.110317/ source ARMA III like ARMA series is a 32bit environement ! :nono: ok it was not as worst as it can be ... in 2002 but now ... we are all runing 64bit processor compability and architecture ! with 64bits OS ! and with like 8gb RAM ok 16GB for who want to have too much ! But Arma will only use for his work 3892mb of RAM and no more ... (and not 4896mb or more as we see here on thread with -maxmemory or whatever) It seems to use for now as much 1,7gb (1608mb) of RAM .... and not more. so max mem option will be 2048 is better But back to the main subject : so the deal of dev ARMA was to tried to run new architecture CLIENT/SERVER PC with new architecture GPU/physX on an new/old 3Dengine (32bits) (the engine has to be compbatible with old flashpoint I scripts / IA ...) Did you realise the extra layer of work/compilation/virtualization that should be done and so must be with it the tones of bugs we get. So answer I think for my part is here : problem is unsolvedable ... Perhaps until 1 genuis guy alone at home found a virtual bridge 32bit/64bit which is stable or until Arma upgraded game architecture to 64 bits. --> perhaps the goal of this thread ??!?? bcz never we got an answer from dev as : ok M. XXX your problem was : a uncompability of the yyy.dll with our physX3.dll we correct it on with the implemtation of zzz.bisign ! Summary : problem is unsolvedable ... hotfix will bring more different physX3.dll crashes unitl a genuis guy or rebuild of the ARMA game Thx for the read Statuquo