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Posts posted by jcae2798

  1. We wish to help you, but noone from us can reproduce the issue, You have most hard task ahead you - wait for response from BIS, that can last very long.

    For now, standard procedure as BIS guys will want to know:

    - Did you tried veryfing files of game?

    - Did you updated/optimised drivers on your system?

    - And (from me) did you tried disabling Steam overlay?

    I'm open to all suggestions to try what i can myself.

    1. Yes

    2. Yes this was a recent Windows install, soo all drivers and such are UTD

    3. Tested just now and same results.



  2. HUGE BUG!!!  Before big release:


    Tasks disappear after Saving, closing Arma, and then loading saved game after game restart.


    REPO Mission: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9abrfqkhq9xqqyu/TesTTASKRELOAD.Tanoa.pbo?dl=0

    Load the scenario, and save & exit arma.  Reload arma, and load up the saved file and Tasks are gone.  Tested VANILLA


    When i first experienced this the behavior was worse where all of the briefing info was missing, along with squad screen showing blank.

    I would love to get some more eyes on this.  I posted an update today (see link below) with video showing the issue as well.  If anyone can help review, i would appreciate.  Video included.  Thanks all;


    • Like 1

  3. What branch is it? I cannot reproduce it.


    Ok i just tested on APEX Stable build, and still same issue.  Have you tested using my REPO mission?  This is using scripted tasks....



    [west,["taskIDR3"],["Any weapons found, make sure they are destroyed!", "Secure Weapon Caches", ""],objNull,false,0,FALSE,"destroy",false] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;


    I created a ticket as well for tracking purposes...; https://feedback.bistudio.com/T119273

  4. HUGE BUG!!!  Before big release:


    Tasks disappear after Saving, closing Arma, and then loading saved game after game restart.


    REPO Mission: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9abrfqkhq9xqqyu/TesTTASKRELOAD.Tanoa.pbo?dl=0

    Load the scenario, and save & exit arma.  Reload arma, and load up the saved file and Tasks are gone.  Tested VANILLA


    When i first experienced this the behavior was worse where all of the briefing info was missing, along with squad screen showing blank.

    • Like 1

  5. Stormforge nailed it pretty much.  I strip my ACE version down to very limited features.  I am not recommending ACE, but it should work if you decide to use it.


    As for the gear load-out, i'll modify it to include toolkit.  I know RHS defaults miss this in some cases...like the EOD units not having the proper vanilla gear.


    also in hunter six after you collected intel from the dead bodies the question marks on the map would disappear. any chance you could implement that?

    I will look into this.



    For the IEDs that I have seen in the Kunduz version they seem pretty easy to spot, though I only have seen the same one multiple times. Only one type? Though I was taught to be wary of things sitting on the side of the road. Surprised me when it wasn't a buried mine, but looked somewhat like an actual hidden IED.

    I use all IED types, picked at random, so my guess is its been picking the same ones in your example.  Also some are buried while others are not...and some are completely hidden where other times not.  All randomized.  So if you arent see this happen, its just the luck of the randomization  ;)

    • Like 2

  6. Hello guys. I think I found the solution. Seems like BI 'link' something together.


    1. Please cancel the 'Skip Intro' in the advanced parameter and start a new scenario to try.


    2. If it is not working, please check whether you use TRYK mod or not. If yes, please download again from workshop because the old one was totally cancelled in workshop (not update).


    In recent times, I just change these two things and I found I can continue the tasks when I load the save games. I still think that BI should investigate this issue and modify the source cod.


    The mission i am testing this on does not fit these two conditions....so i dont think this solves all the issues but thanks for sharing.

  7. Hi all, here is a Tanoa version.  Still finishing up final touches and last debug testing.  Please report bugs here.  Also if anyone is interested in helping me tweak base design, let me know, I would appreciate that.





    Changes from other versions:

    -Boat patrols

    -Camp spawning

    -Destroy Camps tasking from Informant

    -Vehicle transport required for traveling island to island. (Fast travel available after transporting Mini-HQs)

    -Other tweaks i will keep private to avoid spoiling surprises.



    -ALiVE & CBA


    Optional Mods:

    -Running 3rd party vehicle mods can enhance vehicle spawned by enemies for more randomness.  CUP Vehicles and RHS for example.

    -ACE (Mission auto detects ACE and loads settings that work with ACE like load-outs, etc..)

    -Revo's Mine detector or ACE for IED missions/tasks.



    Steam will be uploaded once I finish testing.  Have fun.

  8. 4. What are the chances you could put that bad-ass song you used in the original The Hunt (FATA) back in? I ADORED that freaking song man! It never failed to get me pumped. Don't get me wrong, the vanilla music is cool and you did a good job, I just miss that song. :)


    Just a FYI as well, in the pause menu where the DEBUG console is, you can enter the following which will play the song whenever you want ;):


    playmusic "MissIntro";

    • Like 1

  9. Thanks. Will give that a try.


    Edit: Playing the Kunduz version and I am liking it a lot. Have definitely ramped up the difficulty. Ran into a T-72 that I called in the AH-1 to take care of, just to get shot in the head by an FN FAL at 400m.


    My squad does not want to exit the base at the beginning of the mission on foot. Need to transport them by either helicopter or ground vehicle to get them out.

    Thanks.  I noticed this as well.  i think its because the way the base it setup.  If you look in your menu (0-0-X), there is an option there to move the squad on your position.  Use this to teleport them out of the base area if you encounter this.  Should be a good workaround.  Hope that helps

  10. Sorry Storm, that's not the option you should be using.


    If playing the Kunduz version, when you look at the building behind you when you first start, you should see a 'Squad select' menu show up.


    If you're playing Altis, its at the ammobox in the middle.  Look at map markers for more help. 


    The squadmenu you are referring to is actually an additional menu i have had from older versions.  I may just delete that altogether on future versions to avoid confusion.  Hope this helps.

    • Like 1

  11. Great questions.  Let me see if i can hit on each one.  I'm sure others will find this info useful!


    1. So you have EOD squad mates who are designed to detect/disarm them with the right gear.  When you start out before selecting squad, team switch is not enabled...but once you pull them into your group, then you can team switch to them.  If you wanted to equip the main player with the gear, it should work just fine as well, but i guess if using ACE, you could run the risk of blowing yourself up at random.  You can either disarm them, or if you think its too risky, use an explosive to destroy it (i do this sometimes when i feel i am getting to close and not seeing the disarm option.  Could happen when buried to deep into the ground).  Also keep the civilians away!  They will detonate them!  :)


    2. So a few ways to play this:

    A. Kill guys and collect intel by getting close to them for collecting intel just like in Hunt Six.   At random and/or when enough points are collect, random intel will be added to map.  This could be HVT locations, or Ammo caches.  It's not an exact marker location either...so check surrounding area.

    B1. Recon the area for Enemies vs Civilians.  In areas where Civilians are present, its more likely to be safe zones (but still stay alert!).  You can run up to each of them and check to see if they have useful intel (Action menu will pop up if so).

    B2. When using UAV to recon, in some cases your main player unit may need to be in the spawning distance.  SO for example,. you can't use the UAV to fly the entire map because spawns are sometimes forced only to be active when player is nearby and on the ground.  So get within distance, and then use UAV to get a better look around the areas.

    C.  When attacking locations, it will be hard to fight on your own.  The intent was to call in supporting groups using your menus 0-0-X.  Then will spawn nearby and run the area when you click on the map.  So call in as many groups as you want (keeping it somewhat limited for FPS reasons), and let them help you fight!  Then move in and collect intel.  These groups will auto delete after you move away about 2k meters or so.


    3. I don't believe all teammates are suppose to have PERKs.  So that was probably intended.


    4.  The song is still there, but now randomized with other ARMA playlist songs.  I do get pumped, but after playing it so many times (During testing haha) i dont want it to get old or annoying.  So hopefully it will play ever now and then.

    • Like 1

  12. I've held from stating this as i thought its been a WIP, but with release right around the corner, bringing this up as a possible issue/feedback:


    1. When playing units in editor, there is a recon list where they do not include silencers as expected.  Also no scopes are included.  I would expect by default that this special group would have decent gear defaulted

    2. Similar to 1, i would expect that more units have default scopes enabled on their loadouts.  It seems 90% of the units have no weapon attachments.  Please consider giving them a scope to use as a default loadout.

  13. Sweet! I can't wait.

    The original The Hunt series was great. This seems like that just on steroids and trying to take away the original's girlfriend so I cannot wait to sit down and play this. :)

    Could you link an up-to-date TRYK uniforms if you get a chance in the first post? I thought that mod died and maybe was removed?

    Its under the required addons in STEAM.

    • Like 1

  14. For those interested in ripping apart the mission, there are a few ways you can customize to make the mission more of your own.

    1. You can open it and modify the based elements as needed.  You can customize what gear you want at base.  Just be careful as some of the markers and items are designed in a way to allow the mission to run.  For example, the ammobox is designed to allow teams to rearm.  Also markers around the base are designed for the ambient feature of the mission.  Be mindful of this when modifying the base
    2. In the mission INIT file, you can change the groups that are spawned for both Civilians and Enemies.  Its as easy as replacing the classnames of the units.  This is now no longer needed as the new GUI feature allows you to select factions at mission start!
    3. You can replace the unit squad units if you want, but keep the name and INIT info as is to avoid issues with the mission.  If the mission includes a load-out modifier, you might need to turn this off...
    4.  In the performance file in the ROOT directory, you can modify the max spawn of units at any given time.  Keep in mind however, that this is not the true max number.  This does not include your squad, or other possible units in your area.  You can turn on debug messaging for more testing if desired.


    Will expand more on this soon...but feel free to ask questions in the mean time.

    • Like 1

  15. Ladies and Gents, I present to you my latest and greatest Mission release; The Hunt (ver 2)!

    For those who played my previous series, I've made a lot of changes and enhancements to it since. A bunch of new features including performance enhancements to allow full map mission design.

    Anyways going to try and keep it short.

    Mission design and tips:

    -Selection factions to play at missiong startup.
    -Main goal is hunting down 2 main commanders heading operations (Play recon/assault, all of the above!)
    -There are ammoboxes to find and destroy as side missions.
    -There are IEDs riddled everywhere with my custom IED script (Where IEDs can be buried under the ground! ACE Supported with the new mine detector)
    -Informant that provides side missions along the way
    -Both civilian and enemy population. Goal is to retrieve intel via civilians and/or searching enemy bodies.
    -Undercover mode.
    -The List goes on!

    -Do not run any ambient mods like TPW. My mission provides all that.
    -Mission is designed to spawn on Object Viewdistance. The further you have it, the more power it needs. So as you play, if you find mission does not play well, try restarting after adjusting your viewdistance settings. I found ~750 works great! There is a CAP as well that limits the number of spawned units. Keeping it down is recommended.

    Kunduz Version (Full RHS Version):
    Requires Following Mods:
    -ALiVE (For support calling only. Saving is enabled)
    -Tryk's Multi-play Uniforms Pack (For Bosses uniforms. You can play without, but they will be naked!)
    -Tactical Beard (Optional):

    Altis Version (Vanilla):
    Requires ALiVE only (For support calling only. Saving is enabled)

    -ASOR Mod is optional if you want to spawn vehicles and/or use Gear Selector options
    [sTEAM LINK: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=718918902 ]

    Tanoa Version (Vanilla):
    Requires ALiVE only (For support calling only. Saving is enabled)
    [sTEAM LINK: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=745127216]

    Please see mission briefing details for all credits. However I wanted to mention a special thanks to Lato from the 'Hunt Six' campaign who approved me to share this design with the community. Some of its features were inspired from his campaign and without his consent, I would not be able to share it with you all!

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  16. Thanks.  TO be clear however, for example, i tested with rockets for example.  Right from mission start, i asked to shoot 12 rockets...and notice it fires only 4....so looking at the unit....it still has plenty of rockets left.  So again to be clear, its not a out of ammo issue.  If i ask again to request more, it will again shoot, but limited rounds.


    I know when you use the modules, it spawns 3 units at once rather then one.  So not sure if its designed to spread the request across 3 units (4x4x4 = 12)...but since i need more control of where the unit is placed, using the modules doesnt work for me.
