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Posts posted by jcae2798

  1. jcae2698: by default, only vehicles from your side will show up. I think the cars you're talking about are civilian. You can add SideRestriction = 0; to your config to change this. (or ASORVS_SideRestriction = false; in the debug console to test).


    I was trying this as BLUFOR but i'll give this a go and let you know.  Appreciate the reply.

  2. Hi,

    Sorry if this has already been reported...


    With the latest release of ARMA, when someone tries to load a missing with missing content, ARMA crashes instead of giving a warning that content is missing.  Report file will show missing content



    Example with some limited details

    16:25:14 Missing addons detected:
    16:25:14   ARP_Objects2
    16:25:14   UK3CB_BAF_Equipment_Static_Weapons
    16:25:14   uk3cb_baf_vehicles_coyote_jackal
    16:25:14   UK3CB_BAF_Weapons
    16:25:14   blx_ridgback
    16:25:14   UK3CB_BAF_Units_MTP
    16:25:14   UK3CB_BAF_Units_MTP_Editor
    16:25:14   UK3CB_BAF_Merlin
    16:25:14 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.ARP_Objects2, UK3CB_BAF_Equipment_Static_Weapons, uk3cb_baf_vehicles_coyote_jackal, UK3CB_BAF_Weapons, blx_ridgback, UK3CB_BAF_Units_MTP, UK3CB_BAF_Units_MTP_Editor, UK3CB_BAF_Merlin
    Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 0062B671
    Version 1.56.134787
    Fault time: 2016/03/11 16:25:14
    Fault address:  0062B671 01:0037A671 D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe
    file:     Royal_Marines_1
    world:    Kunduz
    campaign: AfghanMissions\Campaign
    battle:   Missions
    mission:  Royal_Marines_1
    Prev. code bytes: 6A 00 FF B3 C4 00 00 00 E8 03 BF FD 00 83 C4 14
    Fault code bytes: 89 A8 84 00 00 00 E9 5E FF FF FF 8B 0D C8 7E B4
    EAX:00000000 EBX:17D14B80
    ECX:0160758B EDX:39CB0E90
    ESI:39CB11C0 EDI:15B21800
    SS:ESP:002B:028CF0FC  EBP:00000002
    DS:002B  ES:002B  FS:0053  GS:002B

    This is causing a pain for mission makers as they feel its related to the mission itself when it may not be the case.  Thanks



    So i'm currently using the enhanced tasks in current build.  One annoyance i am seeing is that when a task completes, it disappears from the map, unlike the old tasks taht would show it marked as completed with a check box.


    To replicate:

    Create a task, then run game and complete the tasks.  Look at your map and the icon disappears.


    Sorry if this was mentioned or if its fixed in your build.  Thanks!

  4. Anyone else having issues spawning vanilla cars?  my code = this addAction ["Spawn Vehicles", {[["autonomous","cars","tanks","helicopters"], [], "CARSPAWNER"] spawn ASORVS_fnc_Open;}];"



    It spawn modded vehicles just fine, and vanilla tanks, helis, but for the cars its a no go  :(


    basically i see the script place the arrow for where the car will show for a split second and then no car spawns...

  5. Thanks for your feedback, I'll fix the setUnitPos issue as soon as possible. Just checked the code and did some testing ingame, and I can't reproduce it, are you on stable or dev branch?

    Sorry, but who are you talking to about this?  Is it my post or someone else?  If you're referring to mine, i did fix the animation issue by deleting the unit and creating another one with same settings.  It then worked OK.  But as far as the SETUNITPOT code, it still exists in mission file but no issues from what i can tell.  I'm on stable.  Hope that helps if you were referring to my post.

  6. Yes I know that.. My issue is that I AM signed in as an admin on my dedicated server but I DO NOT get the option for the debug. And even when I set the set the option to everyone it still doesn't work! In my edit I stated I found out that my dedicated server ran on my own machine shows the debug when I sign in as admin. I dont know if this is related but when I am signed in as admin on my dedicated server, normally I can edit the parameters but I cant.. So I have no clue whats going on with my rented server.. I have done all the troubleshooting I can with it. Must be an issue on their end..

    I had this happen as well.  Was related to loading a saved game from a previous session.  Is this what you're doing?  If you start a brand new mission does this still happen?

  7. REVO, love this dude.  FYI, i think the following is breaking some stuff:

    class Attribute0
    									expression="_this setUnitPos _value";
    									class Value
    										class data
    											class type

    I could be wrong but if the option is set to "Auto/Cancel/AS-IS", shouldn't this be left alone and not added as a value?  Meaning there is no need to add a value of AUTO in the mission SQS?



    The problems i am running into is i use a custom animation script and in some cases the animation is being broken.  I understand you have built in animations, but i use certain custom ones as well.  Do  you think this is posing the problem?  The problem is the unit keeps trying to leave animations and is stuck in a loop.  Let me know if i am not making sense...



    Sorry dude nevermind, user end issue!  I thought i played around with it enough but guess not.  Please disregard

  8. Thanks all for the feedback.  So CUP Terrains is required because i used objects from it to add to the atmosphere.  Since CUP units/weapons/vehicles are used, i figured most of the community has the full package anyways.  I apologize for those who don't and cannot play this for those reasons. 



    @bujalski, regarding your issues, you're right.  In the first mission I left the integrated mine detector On and hide the addaction to disable it.  However in missions 2-5 you should have the option to disable it.  If not let me know.  I'll fix this in near future as needed.


    @corporal_lib[br]. thanks for the feedback on ACE.  I also thought it would cause issues, so best to leave it disabled.  Worst case you can probably remove the EXPLOSIVE module in ACE and i think it may work but my custom IED script probably wont play nice.


    @wiki; there are 5 total missions.  All infantry based, and yes you are the leader of the group.  Hope you can get it running.  Good luck.

  9. So my mods and minimum required for this are;

    -mod=@3cb_baf_equipment;@3cb_baf_units;@3cb_baf_vehicles;@3cb_baf_weapons;@ARP2;@CBA_A3;@CUP Terrains - Core;@CUP Terrains - Maps;@Kunduz Afghanistan;@CUP Units;@CUP Weapons;@CUP Vehicles;@BLX;@Royal Marines - Afghan Mission;@Mine Detector;



    I use a 3rd party launcher and these are the folder names which could be slightly different from yours.



    The error you describe however is the built in mine detector i added to the missions.  You should still be able to play and use RMD instead.  But even with that said, it sounds like there is a problem with your download, or a MOD conflict (if you're loading extra addons).  My only recommendation is unsubscribe from the mission and redo it again causing it to re-download the files.  You can try my DROPBOX version as well just to rule out a STEAM issue.  I hope you can get it to work.

  10. Hey so i did confirm its working on 1.56 with hotfix.


    WHen i was testing it myself i do recall once it CTD when i didnt load all the addons.  It was weird because prior to 1.56x it use to tell me i was missing content but latest version seems to CTD instead.  I wonder if its this?


    Keep in mind you will need the ARP objects as well as all the others listed requirements.  I hope you can figure it out...

  11. I was going to start a new post but let me throw this out here just to see if anyone would know.


    So to enhance game play, i usually use my laptop to host and transfer AI using this addon.  Since supposedly Arma doesnt use multi core, on my laptop i run two instances of the servers, the 2nd = start /affinity C.  Would it make sense to run a 3rd version of the server/HC on my real PC that i play on with the same startup params of: start /affinity C?

  12. Royal Marines - Afghan Mission

    Photos: http://imgur.com/a/cXnuB

    Ladies and gents, I present to you, a campaign designed around the Royal Marines in Afghanistan.  The idea behind this was taken from a documentary I came across called 'Royal Marines - Afghan Mission'.  If you haven't heard of it, I highly recommend you look it up.  It can be found on Youtube.  It was well recorded and presented.  Maybe even watch it before playing this!

    The missions are built around immersion and not mass fighting.  The main goal is searching for IEDs, and disarming them making it safe for the people of the country.  This mission will not be about fight after fight, although you will find some action along the way.  It's a short series of about 5 missions.

    Some of the highlights are:
    -Custom IED scripts where IEDs can be buried underground not seen by the naked eye
    -The players voice is disabled by default so they don't scream out "bomb found".  It is recommended you change your difficulty settings to hide the MINE markers in-game.
    -A custom Mine detector is built into the mission, however I recommend you use the recommended addon below.
    -EDEN designed.  Use of custom objects to enhance immersion.
    -Dialogue and custom scripts

    Required Addons (seems like a long list but worth it!  I may remove Massi's pack in the future):
    -3CB BAF Pack (Units, Weapons, Vehicles):
    -CBA: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767
    -CUP Package (Terrains, Units, Weapons, Vehicles)
    -Kunduz Map
    -ARP Objects: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19689

    Recommended Addons:
    Revo's Mine Detector:  http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29929


    **Please either disable ACE or remove explosive module to avoid IED issues!

    Have fun, and report any found bugs if any please.  Also feedback is appreciated.

    DROPBOX: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5nl9coewb94eail/%40AfghanMissions.zip?dl=0

    STEAM: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=637398818

    • Like 4

  13. This may sound like a silly question, but those that are experiencing crashes on servers with ALiVE, are you using some type of respawn gear script? So when player dies they load last known gear?


    I ask because i experienced it a few times when i loaded the respawn gear script....just wondering if its related.  Keep in mind it could work in some cases, so i'm only wondering for those who are actually crashing, if this is part of the mission design.  I read in some posts over in exile that this may have been related as well...  Good luck
