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Posts posted by jcae2798

  1. Thanks for the reply guys.  So one thing that really confuses me is really the following:


    -Wouldn't it make sense to manually set page file to as large as you can/want it to go?  Why have windows limit it?    Even if Windows changes the size on the fly  (does it?)


    Not trying to go off topic here, but with the 64b release, and new the "large pag support" param, just trying to see what ARMA wants that works best since we all want to squeeze every little bit of performance we can get.

    • Like 1

  2. 1 hour ago, NoPOW said:

    Let Windows control the size of the pagefile...


    Why do you say that?  Because of technical experience?  Or based on what others have said?  Not sure if you saw my reply to his message shortly after that, but people dont seem to really explain or share experiences with different settings/setup.


    I'm not questioning the need to have it enabled, i'm just asking whats the difference if one goes in and plays with different setups verses leaving it to Windows to decide....

  3. I have to agree completely with Ray.  I’ve been lucky enough as well to get a pretty damn awesome PC lately, and the game at its best has been running around ~50 FPS in SP missions.  The engine is at fault here.  As much as I don’t want to believe it, or see ARMA3 move on because of all the content + awesome MODS, it might be the best option for future performance gains.  I would still love them to stabilize what we have now (make it playable), but after that, maybe it is best to move on.  :(

  4. 36 minutes ago, dwarden said:

    FYI: pagefile swap is must for A3 to operate properly, both 32 and 64 bit , no/too small swap = unforseen consequences ....


    Thanks for sharing, but to be clear for all those looking at this:

    1. For those who have multiple drives, is it OK to allow system managed size on multiple drives?  Maybe even some drives enabled while others not?  For example drives C, D,E, were C is disabled,, but D+E have it set to managed by system?

    2. My system is recommending 9080mb, and allowing 19456mb across all drives that its enabled for.  Is this a good size, setup?  Or would a custom setting be ideal?

    3. I assume when you say "pagefile SWAP" there isn't any additional settings to enable the "Swap" feature?  By having it turned on for at least one drive, this is what you are referring to?

    • Like 1

  5. Hmm my issues was with memory cannot be read.  But CTD nonetheless.  Hoping this can be sorted out. Tried leaving page file set to controlled by windows on C drive.  And recently changed it two different drives and over 10Gb each.  Same results.  AlsoFYI I had 64gb of ram so def not a ram issue.  Did a memtest and those came back clean.  Could not replicate exact time or issue that causes it other then it randomly crashing during gameplay.  This is while playing SP

  6. So i am thinking that the above eventhandler doesn't work when damage is >= 1?  is this correct?  It won't fire since the unit is classified as "DEAD"?  Any tricks for the above scenario?


    Tried reading a couple of post, and this one here: 

    But a bit confused as to what I can do.

  7. Hey DEVs, i used the below code successfully before, but now getting errors.  DId some change i need to update?



    _randomcamp1 = ["smallHQOutpost1","smallConvoyCamp1","smallMilitaryCamp1","smallMortarCamp1","mediumAACamp1","mediumMilitaryCamp1","mediumMGCamp1","mediumMGCamp2","mediumMGCamp3","smallFuelStation1","smallATNest1","smallMGNest1"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _composition = [_randomcamp1] call ALIVE_fnc_findComposition;
    [_composition, getmarkerPos _markerName, random 360] call ALIVE_fnc_spawnComposition;


    Error from LOG:

    10:13:45 Spawning Composition: [[],[8845.77,7068.48,0],245.985]
    10:13:45 Error in expression <(_comp select 1) pushBack [_config,_azi,_faction];
    [ALiVE_PCOMPOSITIONS, "compos>
    10:13:45   Error position: <_faction];
    [ALiVE_PCOMPOSITIONS, "compos>
    10:13:45   Error Undefined variable in expression: _faction
    10:13:45 File x\alive\addons\x_lib\functions\composition\fnc_spawnComposition.sqf, line 146



  8. 2 hours ago, Godlikeru said:

    SLI is not working.


    I thought that cause of this is different exe name so I added ARMA3_x64.exe to ARMA 3 profile by NVInspector but it still does not work. 


    Currently running on one gpu until problem is fixed. 


    Running with forced AFR2 mode makes second card work but it may lead to problems as there is no profile associated, just forced general settings. Please contact with Nvidia and make a new profile for 64 bit or fix your executable. 


    My SLI is working, are you saying this causes crashes though?  My SLI is not running at full strength though...average about 30 to 40% usage

  9. It seems like the last couple of releases has also impacted FpS in 64b exe.  Since then I have been having a lot of CTD and frames hovering around 34 where before it was an easy 45+.  Not sure what's going on but the changelogs don't make sense why all a sudden the performance booster I first saw with 64b is slowing going away.


    i have submitted my CTD bug in feedback tracker.  Hoping someone will take a look. 

    • Like 2

  10. I wanted to add some more info on what it is i am tryi9ng to accomplish. 


    When unit S01 dies, i want to trigger an END MISSION call rather then going to the death screen in SP.  I do not want to allow for resuming save or ending the mission after being killed (prevent death screen).  Reason is I have a score board come up at the end of the mission with the stats from it.  The goal of this scenario is to count how many completed missions+kills which is saved to profile so that the scenario can be played again to try and beat the score.


    Hope this makes sense.  The above works (when the EH actually kicks in), but the end result is what i just explained.  So if there are other ways to handle, i am down to look into it.  Thanks again.

  11. Hi all. I am using the below code, and half the times it works, and the other half not (unit actually dies).  Is there something wrong to prevent death 100% of the time?  Thanks for taking a look.




    s01 addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", 
      _dam = _this select 2; 
      if (_dam > 0.96) then {_dam = 0.96;
    	s01 setcaptive true;
    	S01 allowdamage false;
    	s01 switchmove "Acts_InjuredLyingRifle01";
    	["LOOSE",true,true,true] call BIS_fnc_endMission;
    	0 = ["DynamicBlur", 400, [10]] spawn {
    	params ["_name", "_priority", "_effect", "_handle"];
    	while {
    		_handle = ppEffectCreate [_name, _priority];
    		_handle < 0
    	} do {
    		_priority = _priority + 1;
    	_handle ppEffectEnable true;
    	_handle ppEffectAdjust _effect;
    	_handle ppEffectCommit 5;
    	1 cutText["You have been killed!","PLAIN"];};


  12. encountering some weirdness lately looking to see if anyone here has seen this as well.  I am on DEV branch so could be something else but thought i'd get the word out incase...


    Currently at random it seems that mid-mission my unit (player unit) freezes out of no where.  It seems simulation gets disabled for no reason.  I've tried running a code in console to enable simulation but no go.  Tried a few other things as well.... Bascially my whole character is frozen, yet the only thing i can do is click to shoot, or right click to use iron sights but cannot zoom or anything.  It seems all controls are locked.  Switching to another unit works find, but that same unit now in control of AI stays also frozen.  Stumped.  Only noticed this with latest release but of course also switched to DEV branch not too far off so hard to say.


    The mission is heavily scripted so not sure if something there is the culprit as well.  I swear, there's always something that goes broken with Arma  :)





    Think it may have been related to the New Dynamic Simulation feature.  After manually disabling, i have yet to reproduce again....although according to their notes it should not impact unless manually triggered on units.  Hmmm...

  13. I can't be 100% sure, but i think there is an issue with this and a mission i been creating/testing.  Is there a way to see if a unit is affected by this?  Or disable it while in game via script console?


    Whats happening is i was playing as a unit now twice in the mission and the unit just freezes.  I tried all the below commands with no success.  It seems to be simulation related as the unit is at a complete freeze with no blinking or anything.


    player enableAI "all";
    player enableSimulation true;
    player enableSimulationglobal true;
    player hideobjectglobal false;
    enableDynamicSimulation false;
    dynamicSimulationEnabled player;
    player triggerDynamicSimulation false;




    I guess reading a bit more this would not be enabled by default??  So this is maybe not related?  Weird...

  14. You know, I'm kinda upset about people complaining about performance relating to OVD and MODS (at this point).  It's like people expect OVD is required to be maxed out to play Arma.  In all seriousness, you shouldn't need more then 1000 - 1200 to be happy....unless you mainly fly helis/planes which is a different story, and for those reasons i can better understand.  Reason i say 1200 OVD should be enough is because if you shooting someone over 1000 meters away, it's pretty unrealistic but whatever.


    Anyways, i came here because i want to share my appreciation to the team on this big milestone.  I went from averaging 35 FPS to now 45+ consistently on very aggressive missions (Single player)!  Leaving the settings as is from prior update and play.  I do have a pretty good rig, so probably explains why, but now i can see a huge performance gain using x64 and the game is playable 100% and feels like a different one.  I think the most important part of the update which was mentioned buy the DEV was that i no longer get FPS drops and slowdowns which is what was killing me before.  Wonderful guys, keep it up.


    FYI had about 5750 hours in Arma, think I will double that now with this new update  :)

    • Like 1

  15. Hello,


    Enjoying your mission.


    Do you have a main area of Operations like in The Hunt with the red circle?

    Without getting too deep into the ALIVE manual, how can I RTB a Mohawk chopper that I left in the OA when player is in a different area of the map?

    I want to call up the TABLET and either call it to pick me up either from base or another area of the map or have it RTB if it's located elsewhere.


    Asking for the ALIVE keys for the TAB.


    Lastly, is there any interaction with Civilians for obtaining INTEL? 

    Or, is it just from dead soldier corpses?





    You will need to use ALiVE Menu to use HELI.  Review to their shortcut keys on how it will work for you.  You only need a Radio in your inventory to make it available.


    Intel is collected from dead bodies, but also some Civilians will have info.  For Civilians, you will see an menu action show up when you get within 7 meters of them or so.   If nothing shows up, then they have no info.

  16. Hey there.  Yea since Kunduz has cities on the edge of the map, that is the reason that this happens.  Altis is surrounded by water, so it works better on maps like that.


    As for porting, it should be fairly simple, since most of it is script based.  My suggestion would be to copy the template of the existing version, and then move/build the base on the new map.  Using the markers from the original mission is important however.  I will expand on this on my original post with more details when i have some time.  Glad you're having fun.
