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About gonzai

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    Private First Class

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  1. I making 3d modelling for arma 3. But i have another problem. Character remains in the space. How can i solve?
  2. gonzai

    DLC Error

    what is the cause of this error? My Config File: https://pastebin.com/Vbvtrg3g
  3. Thank you @UK_Apollo It worked... :) But ther is another question... How can i change mass value all components?
  4. I have difficulty understanding. Can you send me video tutorial ?
  5. How can i solve ? Config: class cfgPatches { class Tutorial_Cube { units[] = {"Tutorial_Cube"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1 requiredAddons[] = {}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class Static; class Tutorial_Cube : Static { scope = 2; model = "\Tutorial_Cube\Tutorial_Cube.p3d"; displayName = "Rote Box"; vehicleClass = "small_items"; }; };
  6. Ahh. ok. Thank you so much :)
  7. I use the L3DT while creating the terrain. how do I make this setting?
  8. My beach is too long. I want a short beach. My Beach: For Example Tanoa Bereach.
  9. i just want models. I want to use it in my own terrain :)
  10. Underground Bunker Models Possble ? For Example:
  11. Why is this error ? my config.cpp https://pastebin.aquilenet.fr/?5c101b1a5ee391b5#zUkk/M/qgqUByGjgUOS09gjYowV5uf7oKTHfpDpKWyU=
  12. new mikeros downloaded now. but Obfuscated options still deactive. Do i have to buy ?