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Everything posted by Goomes

  1. Ya we use Pw6 and I still get complaints lol to people like us, 30 or so mods is nothing new, but when you are trying to get a group of people coordinated with that list there always seems to be an issue or somebody who doesn't want to do it, and by the time we are ready to go, half of my group is gone from frustration, which is what I'm trying to eliminate. My goal is to get everyone going ASAP, while trying to bridge the gap Bohemia left as far as content goes. Wouldn't it just be easier to have one comprehensive mod released? Lol save everyone the hassle of finding a way around that... I mean there are like 7-8 mods in HLC collection, at this point a weapons pack just makes sense if you ask me.
  2. Hey Gunter, Yes I thought of this, but then I would either have to a) host a download of that for everyone I play with, or b) tell them/explain to them how to do it, and they all complain about excessive mods and going through an extensive list before we begin, which makes it take forever to get started playing while everyone is trying to get on the same page mod-wise... My goal is to bring to my community a short and easy mod list, so that we can achieve a lot of variety in weaponry and gear, while being able to jump into an operation in ~30 mins or less. At this point, HLC has so many variations on weapons and does a great job at filling the void where the vanilla weapons fall short, that to me it makes complete sense to have one comprehensive download (such as Massi's Nato Russian pack, or the new Community Upgrade Project). I think these mods would be a really popular weapons pack compared to the rest out there--high res textures, great audio, detailed reload animations, all of these weapons feel like they already came with vanilla Arma 3 IMO
  3. Hey man, Just wanted to say I love all of your weapon mod packs, everything is just super high quality, great sounds, great textures. If I had to pick one weapons mod to use it would be yours. I was wondering, however, if you are considering making an aggregate weapon pack with all of your weapons included in one download. I am constantly trying to narrow down the number of mods we use at any given time, and because you have to download yours for every pack it adds up fairly quickly... Any way you could release something like an "HLC Weapons Pack" that includes Core and all weapons you have made so we only need to download one? Thanks for your time and dedication! Keep doing what you do! Goomes