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Everything posted by cryptonat

  1. I'm currently trying to write an emp missile script. private["_unit","_damage","_source","_projectile","_part","_curWep"]; _unit = _this select 0; _part = _this select 1; _damage = _this select 2; _source = _this select 3; _projectile = _this select 4; _curWep = currentWeapon _source; if(!isNull _source) then { if(_projectile in ["M_Titan_AA","M_Titan_AT","M_Titan_AP"] && _curWep in ["launch_B_Titan_F","launch_I_Titan_F","launch_O_Titan_F","launch_titan_f","launch_B_Titan_short_F","launch_I_Titan_short_F","launch_O_Titan_short_F","launch_titan_short_f"]) then { private["_vehicle"]; _damage = false; if(vehicle _unit != _unit) exitWith {}; _vehicle = vehicle _unit; [_vehicle] spawn crypt_fnc_EMP; }; }; _damage; Yes, I have the proper eventhandler set up for the player. The problem is that the missile's damage is not being intercepted and handled. The script doesn't even reach the point where _damage = false;. What am I doing incorrectly? Thanks.
  2. cryptonat

    Handling Titan Missile Damage

    I'm looking at making the Fired event handler script, but what I don't understand is how I am supposed to pass on the damage and script information to the target hit. How would I let the target know the information from this script? Should I just monitor position until objNull of the projectile and apply the EMP script with the nearestObject command? Is there a better way? Thanks for your input. EDIT: I guess let me clarify the emp script. Basically all the emp script will do is damage the Engine to 1 for a period of time then restore its damage to the previous value, or even back to 0, don't care I just need to disable the vehicle for a short period of time. Easy enough. But I need to cancel ALL damage from the titan projectile and activate the emp script.
  3. cryptonat

    Handling Titan Missile Damage

    Thanks PabstMirror and austin_Medic. I'll give these tips a shot when I get back from work this evening and let you know how it went.
  4. Hello All, I'm running a multiplayer server. We have Zeus gameLogic modules already placed on the map for the players we want to have Zeus. The problem is: I need to edit the mission/map to manually add the gameLogic module with the PID of the player we wish to give the ability. What I wish to do is to have a script that creates a gameLogic module and applies a selected player's PID to the owner field of the newly created gameLogic. (I have an admin menu in my server that already allows me to do player selections on an automatically generated list.) Getting the PID of course isn't an issue but how would I spawn a working gameLogic with those parameters (and possibly delete it) using a scripting command? Or in short: How can I spawn a Zeus gameLogic module and populate the "owner" field with predetermined information using a script while in a multiplayer game? Thanks!
  5. cryptonat

    Defuse the Bomb

    Wow! I played with this and it works quite well. Too bad its not MP compatible.
  6. cryptonat

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    This is actually pretty handy. Allows me to test quite a few things