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Posts posted by terrence

  1. I have a simple halo script in my arma 3. It worked great until I added a pilot check script to require a certain amount on XP to fly Helis or Planes. Now when you Halo jump it either kills you or ejects you from you parachute which in turn kills you lol.

     while {true} do
    _canfly = player getVariable ["playerxp",0];
    if (_canfly > 599) exitwith{};
    if (_canfly < 600) then {
       private "_v";
       while {alive player} do {
    _canfly2 = player getVariable ["playerxp",0];
    if (_canfly2 > 599) exitwith{};
         waituntil {vehicle player != player};
      _v = vehicle player;
         if (_v iskindof "Helicopter") then
           if (driver _v == player) then 
             player action ["eject",_v];
             waituntil {vehicle player == player};
             hint "Rank required to fly: Captain or higher.";
      if (_v iskindof "Plane") then
           if (driver _v == player) then {
             player action ["eject",_v];
             waituntil {vehicle player == player};
             hint "Rank required to fly: Captain or higher.";
    sleep 10;

    Im still pretty new to scripting but I cant seem to find the problem that keeps killing players.

  2. loading.jpg

    What is Command and Control.

    Command and Control is a Sector Control Team vs Team deathmatch. Your team gets points by capturing the objectives. The standard winning score is 1500 points. There are 3 objectives in each match. Two side objectives which each give your team 3 points per 5 seconds. The main objective gives your team 5 points per every 5 seconds. Attacking and Defending the objectives, and killing enemys earn your player XP. Which is used to unlock air vehicles and different loadouts for your player. Each rank unlocks a new loadout for your player to use on the battlefield. Once you reach Captain you are allowed to pilot Helicopter and Jets. Your XP will be saved to the server database every 90 seconds. The current ranks and xp requirments are as follows:

    Private = 0

    Corporal = 100

    Sergeant = 300

    Lieutenant = 600

    Captain = 1250

    Major = 2500

    Colonel = 5000

    We currently have 3 levels = Pyrgos, PowerPlant, and Rodopoli. We are working everyday to better the mission and to release new levels. Once we get a good player base and around 10 levels we will be releasing the mission to the public via Armaholic. We are currently using a modified Digital Weapons Script from by Iceman77 @ http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23384 and PVPFW - Object Cleanup Script by Conroy @ http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23604 and inidb from SicSemperTyrannis @ http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?150293-iniDB-Save-and-Load-data-to-the-server-or-your-local-computer-without-databases!

    Come check out this new gamemode. Always looking for great players to join in on the fun. Filter OFFGaming or Command and Control to find it in you MP Browser. Jump in TS and give me you suggestions on how to make this a better gamemode. I'll keep this thread up to date with the current change log.

    Any bugs found can be reported here http://offgaming.us/forums/viewforum.php?f=16
