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About tigger6

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  1. I see. Making the fake ground bigger doesn't help? I thought I'm seeing something else than server lag since it nosedives immediately (i.e. even when moving in the slowest possible way.) That's unfortunate since it's such an amazing work you did.
  2. Sorry about the forum archeology, but I've been trying to get the floatplane version to work and I'm hitting a brick wall. If I run a local instance and connect to it with another arma2 instance (from the same computer), floatplane works for both instances. On the other hand, I have a dedicated server (running dayz epoch), and I connect to it with a client that has gnt_c185.pbo with that line commented out as to spawn the fake ground even if it's not a server, but the airplane nose-dives immediately after moving, the fake ground doesn't seem to move with it at all. The version on the server is the original version, but that shouldn't matter, no?
  3. Please point me to where to ask if this is the wrong sub-forum.. There are also other vehicles where the gear is not accessible from the outside, for instance the really nice bell 206 model.
  4. I am trying to make "gear" compartment accessible on a model. (Namely, this is the oh58 OFP conversion that I want to use for private purposes.) What is the best way of going about this? Random hacking of the worst kind resulted in a third "back" seat with head somewhere in the propeller and the ability to access gear, but I'd prefer a cleaner way. Could someone point me in the right direction? I suspect I simply don't know what it's called internally but my search for gear, inventory, or cargo doesn't seem to give me what I want. Is the gear box perhaps something that needs to be a part of the 3d model? I suspect this... if so, can I make the co-pilot or even pilot get a gear menu?