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Everything posted by brians200

  1. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    Check out TankBuster's ied script for arma 2. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=17870
  2. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    Hello, This project has been suspended indefinitely since June as my job does not allow me to develop code for public consumption. I will put a link on the front post pointing to where I announced this. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?170703-Randomly-generated-roadside-IEDs&p=2713536&viewfull=1#post2713536 And I definitely have had it in a git repo from the beginning ;)
  3. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    The license is free and open to the public to do whatever they would like to do with it, I am not responsible for the consequences :). You have my permission to use/modify/distribute my script. Let me know if you need anything else and good luck! If you are feeling generous, feel free to throw my name somewhere.
  4. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    Most errors occur in the Ied_Settings.sqf file. Either post that file or your mission and I can take a look.
  5. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    I just downloaded arma to check. I am not getting any script errors on the IED Sample Mission. I haven't touched this code since April and nobody else has complained about it, so I am going to guess you made a mistake during your implementation. Try out the sample mission on your computer and see if you get any script errors.
  6. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    See my two responses here. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?170703-Randomly-generated-roadside-IEDs&p=2764067&viewfull=1#post2764067
  7. Last time I tried to use that object, I could not get it to stop either... Do yourself a favor and learn how the particle engine works. It will make your life so much easier and you can do so much more. Here are some links to get you started. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?157226-Particle-Editor https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ParticleArray You can even view the code I use to make the smoke for my IED script here. https://github.com/Brians200/EPD-IED/blob/master/EPD/IED/ExplosionEffects.sqf
  8. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    If you know of something blastcore adds to the config, you can check to see if it exists fairly easily.
  9. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    Well the addAction is here... DISARM_ADD_ACTION = { _sectionName = _this select 0; _iedName = _this select 1; _iedArray = [_sectionName, _iedName] call GET_IED_ARRAY; _itemRequirement = ""; for "_i" from 0 to (count itemsRequiredToDisarm) -1 do{ _itemRequirement = _itemRequirement + format[" and ((items player) find ""%1"" > -1)", itemsRequiredToDisarm select _i]; }; (_iedArray select 0) addAction [("<t color=""#27EE1F"">") + ("Disarm") + "</t>", DISARM_ACTION, [_iedArray,[_sectionName, _iedName]], 10, false, true, "", format["(_target distance _this < 3) %1", _itemRequirement]]; }; For your parameters... 0- (_iedArray select 0) 1- ("<t color=""#27EE1F"">") + ("Disarm") + "</t>" 2,3 - format["(_target distance _this < 3) %1", _itemRequirement] //This includes the distance and the condition. Currently looks something like (_target distance _this < 3) and ((items player) find toolkit > -1) and ... 4- I guess this is what happens when the interaction happens??? You need to call DISARM_ACTION with these parameters: [_iedArray,[_sectionName, _iedName]] 5- False 6- I used 10 for priority so it would usually show up at the top of the list Beyond that, you are on your own as I have no idea what AGM is. Good luck!
  10. There is no point in doing nested ifs when you can just do lazy evaluation if (alive player && {player distance myCustomObject <= 5}) then { //code };
  11. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    Independent units are "GUER".
  12. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    It shouldn't be too hard to change it over, but there are some complications. The ieds have their own disarm option, so there will now be two disarm options. The built in one will not disable this script and vice versa. I don't know if it has been updated since I last tried, but the built in ieds threw script errors when you tried to disarm them. There is also the magic red triangle that will be drawn on them. The 2 object creation lines are here. https://github.com/Brians200/EPD-IED/blob/master/EPD/IED/CreationFunctions.sqf#L160 https://github.com/Brians200/EPD-IED/blob/master/EPD/IED/CreationFunctions.sqf#L214 I am not sure what else you would need to change without looking into it. You definitely won't be able to use normal objects anymore, at least not without some logic. That being said, I stopped working on this a while ago. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?170703-Randomly-generated-roadside-IEDs&p=2713536&viewfull=1#post2713536
  13. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    If I remember correctly, they can only be created using the createmine command and not the createvehicle command, which this script uses. At one point, somebody was making ied models for this script, but I have not heard from him in some time. That being said, if somebody created some, they should work as long as they can be created using createvehicle.
  14. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    I just downloaded ArmA III to try this out, because you had me worried.. It still works for me. http://i.imgur.com/88IjFjp.jpg
  15. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    The debug markers only show up to the person who passes the isServer check, which is nobody on a dedicated mission. Using the debug console, type "iedDictionary" into one of the fields. If a bunch of random text appears, it is working.
  16. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    See the "Checking the status of a section of IEDs" on the front page. You can retrieve how many ied's have been disarmed, how many have been blown up, and how many remain in an IED section. It is also briefly covered in the tutorial video here.
  17. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    Right now, the script uses createVehicle to create the objects, so that is why mine type objects don't work. You could try using createMine? I will warn you though, you will have 2 disarm options, one being the ied and one being the default in the game. Last time I tried, the default one in the game would throw an error. It also will not deactivate the IED when you pick the default one as the script knows nothing about the objects.
  18. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    You sure can. You would need to rewrite this function to return a place by a building instead. https://github.com/Brians200/EPD-IED/blob/master/EPD/IED/CreationAuxiliaryFunctions.sqf#L41 Finding buildings is the easy part. Figuring out if the point you created is inside or outside of it is the hard part...
  19. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    The markers that show you exactly where the ieds are are only show to the player that passes the isServer check (The dedicated host box or the player running the server). Additionally, they only show up if you are using debug mode, (EPD_IED_debug = true; in Ied_Settings.sqf) The script will only hide your original ied area marker if this variable is set to true, so you can easily make that marker while creating the mission and it will stay there. hideIedSectionMarkers = true; The script also allows you to create and delete ieds during the mission, so you can easily implement what you wanted.
  20. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    Hello, Make sure you set these two variables to the following in Ied_Settings.sqf EPD_IED_debug = false; hideIedSectionMarkers = true;
  21. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    It will work on any town that has properly defined roads that can be accessed with the nearRoads command. (It works on all the a3mp maps I tried) Many of constructors for an ied section allow you to specify the number of ieds to create and the size, so you could easily do that yourself. That being said, I will no longer be developing this script. I will keep my reasons for this short. I have not played Arma in months. I no longer have a dedicated server to test on. My new job does not allow me to work on projects outside of work. If anybody would like to pick this up or extend it, you have my blessings. I would be more than willing to help you get started and with ideas and possible implementations, however. I will still answer questions and try to help people out if they have trouble getting the scripts into their missions, as always. I would like to thank all the great scripters that came before me and helped me learn along the way and the community for making awesome missions using this script.
  22. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    I didn't envision people using enterable vehicles. I set enableSimulation to false on every item, so that probably explains the black screen. I will run the lock command on them in a future version when I have time to work again. Hello, To specify multiple sides, you need to put them in an array. ["AllCities",["West", "CIV"]], ["AllVillages",["West", "CIV"]] Let me know if you have any other problems.
  23. brians200

    Randomly generated roadside IEDs

    1. I am not sure what you are asking. This script has always had the ability to handle markers. /*********Marker size > 1**********************/ //["marker", amountToPlace, [fakeChance, smallIedChance, mediumIedChance, largeIedChance], side] //["marker", iedsToPlace, fakesToPlace, side] //["marker", amountToPlace, side] //["marker", side] /*********Marker size = 1**********************/ //["marker", side] //["marker", chanceToBeReal, side] //["marker", [fakeChance, smallIedChance, mediumIedChance, largeIedChance] , side] Here is where the marker description starts in the tutorial. 2. You can change the values in this function. https://github.com/Brians200/EPD-IED/blob/master/EPD/IED/TriggerFunctions.sqf#L88
  24. brians200

    razor wire to cause damage.

    0= this execVM "barbwireddamage.sqf";
  25. Hello, We are wanting to add a small area that only members of our clan can access for storing equipment on a map without VAS. I was wondering if there was a way to retrieve what clan a person is in when it is set by the squad.xml file. I know you can make an array of UIDs and use getPlayerUID. However, if somebody joins the clan after the map is loaded on the server, they will not be able to go into that until the map is updated with the new array and that will destroy all the progress we have made on the map. I have also tried checking name, but it returns the player's name without the clan tag. Does anybody have any advice on this?