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Craig Tilyard

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Posts posted by Craig Tilyard

  1. For those who are interested in GL4 and can't work out a good config I've decided to release my version. I've got a video showing them in action. Some things are still untested so leave feedback here and suggestions if you run into anything annoying. For the config you will have to email me on craigtilyard@live.co.uk and I will sent it over in an attachment.

    the variable for the patrols is this setVariable [“GL4_Patrolâ€, 100]; 100 being the radius in meters the patrol is allowed to go to. Put the variable inside the group leaders init field.

    Note: ACE weapons are not included in this config. The read me in GL4 states any custom weapon needs to have it's class name and ammo added so I will be releasing an ACE version shortly.

  2. I'm looking to give my pilots on my server the abiltity to apply custom load outs to an AH-64D by calling different scripts.

    With this script their are different load outs but I could only get them to work whilst in the editor and not through an action menu in game

    // nul = [this,"HellfireOnly"] execVM "apacheLoadout.sqf";

    // Valid loadout types: "HellfireOnly", "FFAROnly", "FFARAA", "Maverick"


    _air = _this select 0;

    _loadout = _this select 1;

    switch (toUpper(_loadout)) do {

    case "HELLFIREONLY": {

    // Hellfire Only

    _air removeMagazinesTurret ["38Rnd_FFAR",[0]];

    _air removeWeapon "FFARLauncher";

    _air addMagazineTurret ["8Rnd_Hellfire",[0]];


    case "FFARONLY": {

    // FFAR Only

    _air removeMagazinesTurret ["8Rnd_Hellfire",[0]];

    _air removeWeapon "HellfireLauncher";

    _air addMagazineTurret ["38Rnd_FFAR",[0]];


    case "FFARAA": {

    // FFAR/AA

    _air removeMagazinesTurret ["8Rnd_Hellfire",[0]];

    _air removeWeapon "HellfireLauncher";

    _air addMagazineTurret ["38Rnd_FFAR",[0]];

    _air addWeapon "SidewinderLaucher_AH64";

    _air addMagazineTurret ["8Rnd_Sidewinder_AH64",[0]];


    case "MAVERICK": {

    // Mavericks

    _air removeMagazinesTurret ["8Rnd_Hellfire",[0]];

    _air removeWeapon "HellfireLauncher";

    _air addWeapon "MaverickLauncher";

    {_air addMagazineTurret ["2Rnd_Maverick_A10",[0]];} forEach [1,2,3,4];



    I'd like to have them have an action menu command when engines are off/on the ground inside a trigger which allows them to load out "Maverick" or switch to "Hellfireonly"

  3. BIlogo.jpg

    Welcome to the Diverse Operations Recruitment Thread

    What and who we are

    Diverse Operations is a friendly open gaming group that aims to bring an environment where you can play Arma 2 Combined Operations realistically [but not Milsim] in a fun unit and share some awesome moments within the game.

    Our main focus is on Co-Op but from time to time we like to dabble in TVT.

    We are a new group created from an old group with combined years of Arma 2 gaming experience.

    We have a mixture of Arma 2 vets and those new to the game.

    If you can play serious and most of all have fun then you are welcome to apply on our easy application! [Access to application available in 24/hr - or you can contact me below]

    We are planning to play Arma 3 unofficially on voted days.


    We don't have an age limit since we boast an age range from 15 to 35. [i'm 22] We look at the attitude.

    We like to play for the fun but a lot of our attitudes are quite serious.

    We want to complete a mission so we work together as a team.

    If you're a team player who can kick back and have fun whilst playing together to achieve a goal then you'll fit right in.

    You don't need Arma 2 experience since we host a wide range of training.

    From flying to fast roping to breaching with C4 and using radios we will help you.

    We use ACE + ACRE and other awesome mods to make our missions more challenging and will be expected to download the mod list to play with us.


    Wednesday: 20:15 GMT +1 - Official Mission/Scenario OR Arma 3

    Thursday: 20:15 GMT +1 - Official Mission

    Friday: 20:15 GMT +1 - Intel Night - Volunteer only!

    Saturday: 20:15 GMT +1 - Official Mission

    Sunday: 20:15 GMT +1 - Official Mission

    This is a busy schedule but it's created with having choice in mind. We understand you won't be able to attend all of these days but the choice to attend is there.

    Contact details


    Steam name: "Craig Tilyard"


    Directly through BI Forums


    We're currently playing a Bluefor faction so we've got multiple roles up!

    We're currently looking for...

    Combat Engineer:

    Combat Explosives Expert:

    FA18 Fighter Pilot/Gunner

    Anti Tank

    Forward Air Observer



    If that doesn't match your interest then there is still hope!

    - We open up new squads or extend existing ones...If the role you like isn't listed, come talk to us!

    Unit Features

    Below I will give a list with some of these features and explain them

    Player/Squad/Unit Cash Rewards

    After each completed mission a player will gain a cash amount for personal spending.

    Your squad will also be paid which will allow them to upgrade and purchase certain assets.

    The units wage goes back into assets we use or new assets we buy...This can be from an A-10 or having the support of Artillery.

    Multi Faction Price Lists

    Inspired from our previous group we have adapted a price list which allows the unit to purchase/upgrade existing assets,

    allow squads to purchase different upgrades to assets available to them and players to buy upgrades to their gear.

    We have everything from a Glock to an AH-64 listed.

    Multi Faction Diverse Campaigns

    Our campaigns are all custom made and follow a story which can contain many multiple choices for multiple endings.

    When we start a new campaign we vote for a new faction and an island that campaign is set on.

    The campaign itself can also be influenced by players by contributing user made content or general ideas.

    Player Driven Intel

    Some of our larger missions will require a great deal of Intel and this is something we don't make up.

    We love the fact that players influence our missions so they also influence what we know about a mission.

    A day before our mission we have a small group of volunteers to be deployed into the AO and conduct a recon.

    These recon players note down any targets of interest or key strategic defenses and we use this as Intel when we brief our players the next day.

    Flexible Schedule

    We don't want members missing out of days because of work or school and really want you to have a choice of how/when you play,

    so to help you get in and have fun we offer a wide range of days to play.

    Certain days can be switched with another to fit around our players if the majority are busy that certain day.

    We discuss the schedule for the week ahead on the Sunday to get a picture of players activity.

    Player choice

    From multiple choices during missions to deciding a new faction ultimately our aim is to go forward by being open.

    We don't concentrate on rank or power and we want everybody to have a voice and contribute in one way or another.

    A final note

    I hope that with what we have listed we will have you interested and curious.

    I could really list so much more but I think for the sake of saving your eyes from reading you should come and see.

    We are still updating a few small details within our unit but we hope to have this finished soon. Our Official campaign has started!

    Thank you for reading.

    Situations leading up to our campaign before we deployed:

    Below some videos to show our gameplay!


    "Welcome to Rogan" Day One

    Day 1 of our three day scenario in Takistan.

    Special forces and an EOD squad are tasked with reaching Outpost Rogan from the southern airport.

    On their way to the outpost they are tasked with checking out the reported areas that IED's have been spotted.

    The IED's were placed under cars, along the side of the road or tucked in behind the doors of houses.

    We had support from a little bird that somehow had engine failure halfway through.

    Civilians could be detained and told to get down or to clear an area...And we made sure we had a 0 civilian causality but we made four arrests.

    We had one causality ourselves...The amazing Frederick died may he R.I.P.


    "Rogans Bully" Day Two[/b]

    After arriving at Outpost Rogan on Day 1 we received incoming artillery fire which put Outpost Rogan at serious risk.

    We conducted a intel the night before to scout out the placements of mortar and artillery.

    We found two mortar placements, IED factory, convoy route and some defensive positions around the Taliban stronghold.

    We took our the IED factory which was lightly defended and marked down the mortar and convoy route.

    We couldn't scout the artillery as it put our recon in risk of being exposed.

    We pulled out and went in blind the next day.

    This is part 1, you're looking at Team Daggers perspective with Venom, Ah-64 known as Foxtrot and artillery support. Team Frogman is the other assault team.

    Part 2


    Reports of surging activty in Isla Duala from Somali pirates and a Daring Navy Seal Raid go wrong ...... [[Events happening leading up to our Campaign!]]

    Campaign and Unit Update

    The unit is progressing well with 15 active players, two infantry squads and 2 air support squads.

    We have joint operations lined up with two units and we look forward to working with them in getting some awesome missions made and completed.

    We are keen to regularly play joint operations in both PVP and Coop.

    We've started our official campaign and the story is unfolding each day. Here is some game play of these missions!

    Special forces sent in with a task force to monitor the escalating crisis growing in [Africa] Isla Duala between two armies and two groups of terrorists.

    We're combating Somalian pirates right now who have kidnapped 4 American civilians delivering aid to hard hit areas. We've now found one hostage whilst the other three died...It was a three day hunt for these hostages.

    ...Hostages are tortured after our first attempt to save them...This was sent as a warning to us.

    Day 1 - An Hostage Too Far....

    Day 2 - An Hostage Too Far -

    Day 2 - An Hostage Too Far Part 2 -

    Day 5 - Dead Bird Part 1

    By far the most intense mission we've had!

  4. hello,

    some time ago I played the sp content made by bohemia without any problems i couldn't solve, I mention this to make sure you understand that I've already got some knowledge about managing friendly ai on sp missions...

    I've started now to play sp missions made by the community from armaholic.com. My problem on the two missions i downloaded so far is that some or sometimes even all ai soldiers simply stop to follow my commands after firefights. They then just sit there ignoring every MOVE ORDER while they at the same time still react on such commands like hold fire, for example. When I leave them they start to ask me what my position was, if I tell them to regroup or "move here" they simply do nothing. If I run back to them to order them to regroup or "move here" they also do nothing...

    Here are the two missions:

    Any ideas?

    I've downloaded one of the missions and I can order them about fine. When you gave them a "Move" order did they respond at all with voice comms?
