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About Aphec

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Aphec

    Jurassic Arma

    Kickstart this shit!
  2. Aphec

    Altis Life RPG

    Tonic, say i were to add a civ_level to the sql database, what would i need to change in fn_query & fn_insert to get it to work for a civ to query the information ( its a question i asked many many many pages ago alleady :p ) same under sessionReceive, i dont really get it there either
  3. i need a script that checks which bullets have been fired from which gun, for instance i need a script that checks if a player from the independent side shot with an sdar. it then needs to do no damage to that player but execute another script?
  4. Aphec

    Altis Life RPG

    Tonic, i've been looking at your Taze script, since im getting errors on my server that sometimes a cop can taze and sometimes it just instantly kills a civ, other cop or whatever, where do you define in your scripting when someone gets tazed? ive been looking at the handledamage function and also the taze function, and i see you have a condition of if(_source != _unit && isPlayer _source && side _source == west && _curWep in ["hgun_P07_snds_F","arifle_SDAR_F"]) then { if(_projectile in ["B_9x21_Ball","B_556x45_dual"]) then { _damage = false; I suppose this is the script to check if the side is west and the weapon is a hgun_P07 or Arifle, and the bullets he is shooting is B_9x21_Ball to not to damage and then spawn the taze function however its extremely weird that sometimes it works on a cop and sometimes it isntantly kills the target btw in life_tazed is a small typo in the bottom } else { _unit allowDamage true; life_iztazed = false; }; should be life_istazed no?
  5. Aphec

    Altis Life RPG

    Hey tonic, is there any fix for the colorBackgroundFocused' & colorFocused'. allready?
  6. If you dont know what you are doing, dont even try to work on it, believe me, its hard work and you need some good understanding of tonics code in order to do this.
  7. Aphec

    Farooq's Revive

    ok, in my mission dragging does not work, even when i press C unit just stays stuck. Also when i revived somone, Medic gets stuck in the holding gun position after healing someone. any idea?
  8. Aphec

    Farooq's Revive

    Best revive script on ARMA3 i'm using it in my mission and works like a charm, i just have some issues with dragging, but i updated to version 1.5, going to test tonight to see if it now works!
  9. dont worry :) i found the bug :) it was a small ; that was missing :) IT WORKS :)
  10. Error in expression <life_atmcash = life_atmcash + (_this select 0);> Error position: <+ (_this select 0);> Error Generic error in expression added your coding line behind life_atmcash = life_atmcash - life_ticket_val;
  11. ok i now understand how your %1 & %2 works, but where do i add the line to give the money to the cop? i'm scrolling trough the ticketprompt & the ticketpay, but i dont really see the script that executes the command ---------- Post added at 14:05 ---------- Previous post was at 13:42 ---------- if i look at the ticketPay hint format["You have paid the ticket of $%1",[life_ticket_val] call life_fnc_numberText]; life_atmcash = life_atmcash - life_ticket_val; life_ticket_paid = true; [[0,format["%1 paid the ticket of $%2",name player,[life_ticket_val] call life_fnc_numberText]],"life_fnc_broadcast",west,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; closeDialog 0; i suppose the command to deduct money from the players bank account is life_atmcash = life_atmcash - life_ticket_val; now i suppose an extra line of code will need to be added somewhere to then do cop_bankaccount = life_atmcash + life_ticket_val ( and then a command to give that money to the cops account? )
  12. [[0,format["%1 paid the ticket of $%2",name player,[life_ticket_val] call life_fnc_numberText]],"life_fnc_broadcast",west,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; states that %1 gave the ticket, now just dont know how to find out how to give the money from life_ticket_val to %1
  13. So i'm working on Altis life mission and there is a possibility for the cop to give a ticket to a player, who then pays the ticket, the money gets deducted from his bankaccount and done, now i want the money of the payed ticket to go to the guy who gave the ticket. i'm digging trough the files to get the code working but i just cant, so there is 1 scriptfile, this is the code to GIVE the ticket to the person Description: Gives a ticket to the targeted player. */ private["_val"]; if(isNil {life_ticket_unit}) exitWith {hint "Person to ticket is nil"}; if(isNull life_ticket_unit) exitWith {hint "Person to ticket doesn't exist."}; _val = ctrlText 2652; if(!([_val] call fnc_isnumber)) exitWith {hint "You didn't enter actual number format."}; if((parseNumber _val) > 100000) exitWith {hint "Tickets can not be more than $100,000!"}; [[0,format["%1 gave a ticket of $%2 to %3",name player,[(parseNumber _val)] call life_fnc_numberText,name life_ticket_unit]],"life_fnc_broadcast",true,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; [[player,(parseNumber _val)],"life_fnc_ticketPrompt",life_ticket_unit,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; closeDialog 0; and this is the code to Pay the ticket, surely i must be able to put a variable somewhere who checks who gave the ticket and then give the money to that person Pays the ticket. */ if(isnil {life_ticket_val} OR isNil {life_ticket_cop}) exitWith {}; if(life_cash < life_ticket_val) exitWith { if(life_atmcash < life_ticket_val) exitWith { hint "You don't have enough money in your bank account or on you to pay the ticket."; [[1,format["%1 couldn't pay the ticket due to not having enough money.",name player]],"life_fnc_broadcast",life_ticket_cop,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; closeDialog 0; }; hint format["You have paid the ticket of $%1",[life_ticket_val] call life_fnc_numberText]; life_atmcash = life_atmcash - life_ticket_val; life_ticket_paid = true; [[0,format["%1 paid the ticket of $%2",name player,[life_ticket_val] call life_fnc_numberText]],"life_fnc_broadcast",west,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; closeDialog 0; }; life_cash = life_cash - life_ticket_val; life_ticket_paid = true; [[(getPlayerUID player),life_ticket_val],"life_fnc_wantedTicket",false,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; [[0,format["%1 paid the ticket of $%2",name player,[life_ticket_val] call life_fnc_numberText]],"life_fnc_broadcast",west,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; closeDialog 0; [[1,format["%1 paid the ticket.",name player]],"life_fnc_broadcast",life_ticket_cop,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; basically in the end we should have something i suppose like life_cash = life_cash - life_ticket_val + life_cash_cop or something, unfortunately i'm not talented enough to get it to work :( if anyone wants to help out, it would be GREATLY appreciated. The reason i asking help here is because Tonic has got his head on a new project ( which i fully understand ) :)
  14. Aphec

    Altis Life RPG

    Hey Tonic, had a chance to look at my last question, is there a way to have the payed ticket money go to the cop's bank account, rather than just having it deducted from someone's bankaccount and then go to waste?