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About johnnypope

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    Private First Class
  1. Hi guys, great thread. Not a noob, but I have a question that I'm unable to find the answer to. When using my default profile, I can connect to a server, start the game, and the mission is downloaded to c:\users\me\appdata\local\arma 2 oa\mpmissionscache\ When using a different profile, the mission does not appear to be saved anywhere. I've searched c:\ for the mission name, other mpmissionscache folders, etc. AMD-Based System, Windows 7 x64, Steam CO install, running everything as admin. The workaround is obvious but I wonder if I'm the only person with this issue. Is there a way to change the location for mpmissionscache, per profile? If the mission file isn't saving anywhere, then how can I play it? Oh, and the kicker: It doesn't download the mission each time! It's somewhere! Any clues?
  2. Anyone know of a single-fire only M16 with a 16" barrel in a civilian weapon pack someplace? Forgive me if it's obvious, I searched.
  3. johnnypope

    What is "True" Arma ?

    ^ this was what I was getting at. Part of why OFP shined is because it focused on the last age of conventional warfare, before we had laser-guided everything and UAVs and all the other force multiplication technology. I imagine that 'combat' in 2035 will more or less resemble sitting at a pc playing Arma anyway.
  4. johnnypope

    What is "True" Arma ?

    Battlefield 1985. Classic Combat League. Everon, Malden, Kulgojev, Desert Island, Nogova. [LOL] and their clown faces. Server hacks that had your sides aching from laughter. Let me add: UH-60. A-10. M1A1. T-72. M113. UAZ. 5T. Sopwith Camel. This too: Oh, and this: :) (take note @ 4:20)Come to think of it, I'd pay good money for a complete rebuild of the original CWC and resistance game's islands and units. Maybe a total conversion mod for A3. It would be sweet if it changed the menus and everything. I'm sure there's a re-do of the campaigns out there in editor land. Mostly it would be about the islands and the units and getting them as close to the originals as possible.
  5. johnnypope

    What does A2 content library mean for ARMA3?

    Great explanation Chortles. To further summarize, all that AiA does is allows users who already have Arma 1 & 2 installed to stick that content directly into their Arma 3. If someone doesn't own that content and have it installed on their computer, they wouldn't be able to do that. BI has been granting permission on a case by case basis to allow releases of mods derived from Arma 1 & 2 content, which, correct me if I'm wrong, means that someone without Arma 1/2 would still be able to download and use the mod. What they've done here is opened all the stuff up to modders so that they can make a good, bug-free A10 from the Arma 1/2 content and release it for download to people who don't own Arma 1/2. Even though almost all Arma 3 owners surely own Arma 1/2, this is really a generous offering by BI. Thank you BI! The question I have is, are the islands from Arma 1/2 included in this? What about OFP/R/CWA? I noticed lots of missing objects on Sahrani with AiA and the water and neverending land is weird on Chernarus. Also I can't seem to find a female that works using AiA. Looking forward to this as it's difficult to put together any kind of storyline without females eh? Again this is great for people like me who are impressed with Arma 3, finally got it performing well, but are disappointed by the existing future content and more importantly the lack of content in general. I LOVE the fact that we'll soon be rolling with a FULL SUITE of PRESENT-DAY assets from like 8 TOTALLY UNBALANCED factions. It's the way it's meant to be played. :cool:
  6. johnnypope

    FPS Drops and Texture Problems

    Glad you're up and running! Time to buy more RAM and an 8GB graphics card! :D
  7. johnnypope

    Multiplayer not in playable state

    Hi guys I'd love to help but I'm on DEV build. Please consider running DEV one of these servers.
  8. johnnypope

    Mod Competition Suggestion

    This occurs anyway. The community (modders and consumers of mods) is always working toward MP compatibility so naturally, eventually, there arises 'must have' mods that are almost always the best ones.
  9. johnnypope

    FPS Drops and Texture Problems

    eXpouk, please see this thread. I believe we have the same issue. Installing 64-bit will overcome the problem. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?169012-Sudden-FPS-Drop-after-30-60-Minutes-Issue-Solution
  10. What Fireball says is true. I have also learned that the DX issue is only under Windows 7. But I still think they must be related. Let me explain, partly for clarity and partly for my own education. Dxdiag.exe will misreport the system memory inaccurately, not the VRAM. My mistake. Here's my scenario: I had 4GB of RAM and a video card with 1GB. DxDiag was showing my total system memory as 2430 or something like that. Windows was showing that I had 3.5GB 'available'. This means that it has only addressed half my VRAM and then addressed 3.5 GB of system ram. Through much testing, I found that my system at idle runs around 800-1000 MB, and Arma 3 runs right around 2gb, at first. Once Arma3 began to use around 2300, the issue would occur. This is basically when the system runs out of addressed memory (512 on the video card, 1000 for windows, 2300 for Arma = 3800 MB which is the addressing limit in Win32. (Arma rarely uses more than 512 VRAM; when it used more it seemed to always be temporary and settle back into the 500's) If windows had addressed my entire 1024 VRAM first I would only have around 2gb available for Arma, but I am sure that it would not chunk out like it does since it knows what memory it can use and what it can't. The reason I suspect that 'breaking the 32-bit barrier' has something to do with it is because I read it. It is from Arma 2 but Arma 2 uses DX9, not DX11. So the issue never occurred under Arma 2. One of the tests that I did in order to confirm this issue was to remove one of my two 2GB memory modules. This caused windows to show 512 VRAM and 2048 System Memory (Addressing all of it properly). The game ran like crap, but the issue never occurred. In total, memory usage was pushing 2.5GB but never exceeded that. This tells me that under my original scenario, Arma2 was using memory that windows had not properly addressed, and I believe that it crossed over somehow once it began to use greater than 4GB (VRAM+System). Of course drivers was the first thing I looked at. The DirectX thing was supposed to get fixed but never was. Other things that I checked out were heat/cooling issues, HD corruption/fragmentation, network card drivers/power management. Anyway, again, I'm no expert but I can say for certain that this issue would not occur if any of the following were true: A) DirectX addressed the VRAM properly, first, letting programs know to stay under 3GB, not 3.5GB B) There is less than 4096 total memory installed, between VRAM and System Ram C) There is a 64-bit Operating System installed D) Arma 3 used DirectX 9 E) Arma 3 used only memory that is addressable in Windows Anyway we could really try to prove me wrong or right but I imagine anyone with 4GB of RAM and Windows 7 x86 is due for an upgrade anyway. I also want to take this opportunity to sing the praises of Contig.exe. I use it in my batch file to launch Arma; it defrags folders. I have it defrag all my Arma directories before each launch. Great for installs with lots of addons. ---------- Post added at 20:19 ---------- Previous post was at 20:07 ---------- Game__On, can you reproduce the problem in SP/Editor? If not, then it appears you are in the same boat as the rest of us when it comes to MP performance. See http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?168337-Multiplayer-not-in-playable-state/page2
  11. Hi guys I've noticed others having this issue and I wanted to point it out, explain how to see if this is your issue, and how to solve it. Symptom: Game runs fine, even great, for 30-60 minutes, then FPS drops to between 0 and 5 and will not recover. Usually accompanied by texture loading issues. Flushing the VRAM does not have an impact, nor does adjusting any graphics settings. Alt+Tab will sometimes cause a crash but if it doesn't, Arma 3 still does not recover. The issue will remain until Arma 3 is restarted (PC/windows do not need to restart). What Is the Issue? The issue is that with some (many) configurations, DirectX API will not report your VRAM accurately. If you have a 32-bit OS, this will cause a serious problem because of the memory addressing limit. The reason this occurs with Arma 3 is that they have 'Broken the 32-bit Barrier'. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2026022/en-us?p=1 http://www.bistudio.com/english/company/developers-blog/85-breaking-the-32-bit-barrier How To Confirm That This Is Your Issue: You have a 32-bit Operating System Run dxdiag.exe and see if your System Memory is being reported correctly on the first page. If it reports an amount different from your system ram minus your VRAM, you will have this issue. How To Solve The Issue: Unfortunately, using -maxvram and -maxmem and such didn't keep Arma's total memory usage down to where it was kept safely away from the custom addressing scheme described in the 'Breaking the 32-bit Barrier' blog thing. The only way I was able to eliminate the problem was by installing a 64-bit OS. Now my DirectX reports my VRAM accurately and I do not have this issue. You can install and activate a 64-bit copy of Windows using your 32-bit product key. Devs or anyone are welcome to correct me if I'm wrong but it seems that 32-bit users who suffer from the DirectX problem above will always run into this issue when Arma 3 begins to use more than 2.5 gigs of memory or so. I was able to mitigate the issue by cutting down services and background programs but, eventually, Arma's usage would creep up to where the system was out of memory. Just for reference, my hardware specs: MSI 970A-G46 AMD FX-8120 4GB DDR3 @1866 (timed well) GeForce GTX550Ti (just one) Regular old WDC Magnetic HD I suspected and eliminated the following possibles before I finally broke down and installed a 64-bit OS: -Pagefile/hard drive issues -PhysX usage (CPU/GPU) -Bad memory -Bad memory timings -Bad processor/unstable board -Power management issues with GPU/CPU -CPU Parking/thread handling/-MaxCores -ExThreads etc -Bad VRAM/bad GPU -More.. Sorry for the fresh thread but I wanted to share what I've learned since I haven't seen anyone actually get this one resolved. Happy to discuss.
  12. johnnypope

    FPS Drops and Texture Problems

    Hey I had this very same issue; it was a mix of problems. The most serious one was that the DirectX API was reporting my VRAM as 512 when it is really 1024. With a 32-bit OS windows was addressing 512 of VRAM and allowing the rest to be used. Once it crept up and tried to use that last 512 of system ram, it went super choppy and never recovered, flushing does not work. Was unable to control Arma's total memory usage with switches. Upgrading to a 64-bit OS will fix the issue, both allowing all the memory to be addressed, and my current directx reports my VRAM correctly. This I believe is a problem for lots of people. You can upgrade to 64-bit using your current product key. Edit: run dxdiag.exe and see if your VRAM is correctly reported. ---------- Post added at 00:23 ---------- Previous post was at 00:19 ---------- Here is the DirectX issue: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2026022/en-us?p=1 And here is why the issue occurs under our particular configurations (I think) http://www.bistudio.com/english/company/developers-blog/85-breaking-the-32-bit-barrier
  13. johnnypope

    Multiplayer not in playable state

    Hey guys I'm a lurker here and believe me I'm no expert but I wanted to suggest that with Arma 3, dead bodies and such are physx objects and will remain so, whereas in Arma 2 and previous games they are just objects. Perhaps deleting them with a script doesn't deactivate them in the physx engine or something. edit: Pretty sure this is why we don't see furniture in the buildings.