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About icrgaming

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  1. icrgaming

    when will new arma 3 content be out?

    Content? Seems they are way too busy fixing their broken mission. They seem to careless about performance fixes or the content that was supposed to in the game from the release date. And, if you even ask these questions you get banned by the BI Bois. No tool kit, no content, everything broken, utterly crap performance. And please don't even start about the client's pc performance. There is no possible the way EVERYONER has a Pentium 4... I wouldn't hold my breath on any content or fixes. Next is another broken "Campaign" or something...
  2. Massi mate, I am trying to put these Russians into the annex map and I have an issue, I know its stupid probably I am an old fart so bare with me lol. _spawnGroup = [_randomPos, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; "O_mas_rus_soldier_LAA_F_d" createUnit [_randomPos, _spawnGroup]; What is the classname string for your Russians for tup there? I got the missile guy obviously, but I am not seeing the deal on the class name for the groups. If you could point me in the right direction it would be luvely mate.