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About displaceD

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  1. It's not better with DX9, same issues. But thanks for sharing. :/ Meanwhile i tried so many things, from patch down my Graphiccard driver, over many parameters, over reinstalling Arma 3, so many settings ingame, playin' with the arma3.cfg, defrag. my HDD. I'm tryin' now the new dev build. lovin' you BI, dev build fixed it for me now. =) /edit: I'm not absolutely sure, but i'll hope. Had a Server with above 30 - 35 fps again. :/ /edit 2: Confuse, some Servers run with good performance, another one again with 7 fps ~ :(
  2. I'm not absolutely sure. But i tried it now. And helps to fix temporary this problem, u got a small fps boost, but it's like running over ice or something else, non smooth animations. It's fluid by low fps, but we need a Hotfix. :(
  3. I got exactly the same problem like this one who started the topic, and some other guys here. I'm currently play in some Group's, and no one get the same problems there. First i thinked it was my GPU or something else, but this can not be a coincidence. I reinstalled Arma III completly after the Patch, where i got 3 - 5 FPS in MP and 15 - 20 FPS in the Singleplayer Campaign. I'll played the Dev Branch some Days before, and got no FPS problems there. After reinstalling Arma III i have now 20-30 FPS in SP and around 5 - 15 FPS in MP. I can change all things, from resolution to AA Textures it will change rly NOTHING by the FPS. Tryied higher than 1080p resolutions too, but it will not lower my FPS anytime. I think something was wrong in this build. Be happy if u have no troubles, i rly hope for an Hotfix soon there wanna troubleshoot this .... -.-' Sorry for my bad english, english is not my motherlanguage. Some specs: I5 2500K, 570 GTX, 16 GB Ram.