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Everything posted by LSD_Timewarp82

  1. Yeah, the sad sad BI Lazyness is everywhere. Maybe they were occupied recording bird sounds or doorscratching when open it. How they set priority to fix the game is absolutley ridiculous.
  2. I think its a bug and very hard to fix. I always throw their stuff away, mostly they dont live longer as 15 minutes, for what spending so much time to equip those idiots and on the next corner they will die. Just do the trick with unarm those twats at the beginning and you should be good ;)
  3. When u are in weaponshop it´s best to buy 1-2 same weapons and 2x5 Magazines. Also its important that u make this: select a single solder (give command stop, so they stop running around like 12y old kids), press 6 and choose "open subordinate Inventory" and then throw away their secondary (Pistol) so that they only have the main gun (assault rifle, sniper, whatever) cause when AI have Pistol they love to torture your ears with permanent "out of ammo" reports.
  4. Well, i have more of this kind of hints to kick the butts of csat. This one works very good too: you need to have some Artillery or other stuff for great damage and you need to use drone copter and say the drone that it should hover 500meters high above specific area, then change to the position which allow to observe the area, from this position its very easy to give Firing targets to the Artillery. The drone copter even have a Laser designator, so if you have some UAV´s or Launchers which have sight of line to the target they will shoot to the designated point ;)
  5. U dont need charges. My hint for you is: build 2-3 AT Launcher AI´s, equip a Laserdesignator and point with the laser on the Tower. The AT Launchers will shoot on the Laserdesignated point after a couple of seconds. A few rockets and this tower is a piece of trash ;)
  6. Be aware, i have warned you. Using an Aircraft leads to "spawning Enemy groups" and there will be a ton of them, and they use AA Rockets effective, and often^^ Mostly i am out of flares after 40 seconds - 1 minute ;)
  7. So if you are not "God" you wont survive a Minute in your F-18 but you need to make your own experience ;) Easy way: choose your options, start mission on "Easy" this will give you 1600 Points. I recommend to use also the option to have all Buildings when u are new to the mission. Before start mission choose a good place for your drop, next to one of the airports of course. First build a bunker and then 2 Guard units (HMG,Tank, whatever), when no Enemys are next to your first small Base the Airport will be activated. The ability to spawn a F18 u need to add it in the "Mod" options -> press Shift+1, then "Mod", therre u need to add the F18 into the "Aircraft" section in category "Fighters". After adding vehicles into your list u need to "Reset Vehicle Zones" and then u are read to go. By pressing Shift+1 and choosing "Mil Options" u can buy specific Vehicles, its always specific to the captured area Good luck Soldier ^^
  8. Yes, i´ve made benchmarks a while ago to check if there are some gains/loss compared to a start only with deactivated intro and splash. My measurement results did proof that this Startparameter mysterium is pure nonsense. There was 2,2%-4% different frames compared to the runs, 2-5% are tolerance, thats usual when a PC is fully working @ full load. I would love to post those results but hose are gone on an other Harddisk which i didnt have meanwhile. but its always funny when Humans which didnt really understand the whole Architecture when they try to spread their shit all over the web. But the real experts are those which start to post their startup parameters with funny exorbitant numbers like "maxmem=16284 or maxVram=12156. it´s always funny to watch what they try suggest to the world, too bad that there are some which spread those viral infection wider on the web. Tipp for you: Download an application named "Fraps" it shows the Frames and have the ability to take Screenshots (adjustable Keys of course) and to capture Videos of your Gameplay ;) Greets
  9. Thanks SaOk, you did it again. It´s a Masterpiece. Flying with an AZ-1 Cobra through the canyons of Takistan is so much fun, awesome. I played now ~3600 hours only your mission on Altis, but now with this Altis can go kill itself. I tell you why: it must be fault of BI with this ridiculously bad FPS on the Altis map. As i played Takistan for a couple hours i decided to check the Options to compare a little bit between the maps. Settings i use usually on Altis: 3500 Viewdistance 2000 Object 140 Shadow All Details "Ultra" 8xAA/16xAF ATOC: All Grass+Tree Postprocessing effects (Bloom,DoF,Sharpening etc) are low adjusted, nothing above 30 Even after i raised it to 6000 View/4000 Object + 120% Downsampling the frames were better like with lower Settings on Altis. And i didnt noticed any significant drop of the Frames, that what is usual on BI´s "Huge(wayne?)Map In my opinion they should cut 30-40% off Altis map and flush it down the toilet. But who cares, the Devs dont give a fu*k to start optimizing it, most important is that there is a new "birdsound" instead spend time to optimize the performance. Thanks SaOk, looking forward for more maps :)
  10. I have downloaded now the 6Gb AiA pack, so what need i do to play on Chernarus or Takistan?
  11. Ehm, i actually downloading the 6Gb AiA, after that i need the ~1Gb Patch and i am good to go?
  12. Thanks dude ;) as i mentioned it a couple pages back i have some knowledge about the Pc Architecture, Software & Overclocking. I work since ~20 years with PC´s, over 10 years Overclocking and MultiGPU Setups with Muiltiple cooling solutions (CPU @ Mach2GT Compressorcooling, -12°C @ Load, GFX´s Waterchilled by a Titan500 Waterchiller) and i saw many of applications which are massive useless (TuneUp Ut for example, as i saw this first time on the Laptop of my Girlfirend i was forced to slap her butt for installing this crap) Gamebooster looks legit on the first look, but when u see which commands are behind those options you will realize how useless it is... Short version: its like your setup with the adjusted parameters, it indicates the same kind of commands into your start. But like said, it´s up to you, if you feel better with such booseter (don´t let your mind fool you) cuase you think you have a better framerate through this feel free to keep it :) Greets
  13. Would recommend you to NOT use such Thirdpartysoftware like RazerGamebooster, unnecessary application which will cost you the one or other frame at the end. This application is at least so useful like a 30day Trialversion of the TuneupUtilility Software. Useful NOT ^^ But it´s up to you ;)
  14. Where i can find this 2 maps as single download? Or have i to load the 4,6Gb pack?
  15. Hmmm that sounds awesome. I need to load those maps but there is 1 thing i remember really good: as i had the A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack in my Arma3 directory WLA failed to load the savegames. It was confusing, the maps wasnt even listed as active mod, beeing in my A3 Directory was enough to gain the Failing Load White Screen when trying to load a WLA savegame. As i have removed the A3MP Folder Load&Save were possible again. Hope that this have been fixed by the A3MP Authors ^^
  16. I noticed some problems when try to order an Artillery Strikes. It feels like "just dont move the mouse" when selecting the target, if you do you need to repeat the procedre. That means you need to open the menu again, press support, selecting what kind of Artillery, what kind of Ammo, how much of it. Sometimes i need to repeat this up to 4 times but thats just luck then cause i select it very fast. This problem starts after updating the Game to 1.26 Patch. Someone have similiar issues?
  17. When playing your mission i can use HALO Jump with MCC, its really cool when you break through the clouds at night and you see the citys shining in the night :)
  18. I think no, overlay is always present for me but i am not sure if it´s possible to disable it, maybe SaOk knows a solution
  19. LSD_Timewarp82

    Speed of Sound Fix?

    This teasers sound so awesome, i hope he still work on it. Fantastic
  20. LSD_Timewarp82

    Speed of Sound Fix?

    Yeah, you Sir are totaly right. I agree. Informations are keeping the world turning
  21. LSD_Timewarp82

    Group Link 5 Core (AI Enhancement)

    Yeah i know about that folder, thats whyt i ask, what happens when i remove the // is the part off or on then. On default settings everything/or mostly all is active, correct?
  22. LSD_Timewarp82

    Speed of Sound Fix?

    Why strange? Maybe it´s his personel own decision. Own decisions are mostly correct :)
  23. LSD_Timewarp82

    [OPEN BETA] [SP] bCombat infantry AI Mod

    Thx for reply, i will use your provided settings in a few minutes. Dont worry, extensive Playtesting is no problem for me (3481 Hours, Arma3) :) So i have to edit the values only in the bottoms list "class CfgAISkill" ?
  24. LSD_Timewarp82

    Group Link 5 Core (AI Enhancement)

    When u 2 are finished with unnecessary argue each other it would be nice when explaining how it work, cause i tried it and i liked it but i wanted to put some things to "off" but i was confused a little... Lets take this for example: // ============================================================== // GL5 Radio Chatter: // ============================================================== // Choose if the "Radio Chatter" feature should be used. // Description: The "Radio Chatter" feature add different "Radio Chatters" to "Tank" and "Air" vehicles. // True / False, default is True // GL5_Local set [22, False]; // ============================================================== // GL5 Sound FX: // ============================================================== // Choose if the "Sound FX" feature should be used. // Sound FX Features: Sound FX Artillery Shell, Sound FX Explosion and Sound FX Explosion Sparks. // True / False, default is True // GL5_Local set [23, False]; So what are my options now, and what i have to change to see a result. Thx for any help Sorry for my English, if you didnt understand let me know, i will try to write it down with other words ^^