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Everything posted by PenguinInATuxedo

  1. Great idea, but right now when using it seems to make the character instantly swap to secondary weapons then back to main in a flinch motion like mentioned above. The flinch also interrupts all animations and actions like scoping and so forth. Fix this and would be perfect, at 2 seconds like default it is really annoying, I'm not going to raise it either because i just can't have something like that interrupting someone fast-roping, scoping or reviving. Have removed it until fixed.
  2. What a long strange trip it's been.
  3. PenguinInATuxedo

    Crashing on Loading Altis in the Editor

    Have you tried checking the integrity on steam or removing the ArmA game files and re-downloading? It's a blank mission your trying to load? if you load a mission in editor with an error in the Description.ext file it will crash arma.
  4. I'm having an issue where after assigning the access module and the this setvariable ["names",["unit_3_25","unit_3_26","unit_3_27"]]; line of code it still gives players the option to use mcc after re-spawning. Just to confirm that Setvariable goes in the mission init.sqf yes? EDIT: Fixed it my self I just added the Line of code to every init field I thought would have effect, So a Trigger, Each units init, the Access module init and the mission init.
  5. PenguinInATuxedo

    Afghanistan Map - No Name.

    That looks really detaiked great job, is it possible to say finish this town then in an update to the mod add another town with equal detail. With the eventual result being a good size highly detailed terrain?
  6. PenguinInATuxedo

    take off NV Goggles?

    For AI that doesn't sound possible but who knows.
  7. PenguinInATuxedo

    take off NV Goggles?

    You can try { if (side _x == west) then { _x unassignItem "NVGoggles"; _x removeItem "NVGoggles"; }; } foreach allunits; In the mission init.sqf add the above which is set up for NATO units but you can change "(side _x == west)" to the faction you wish to have no NVGs AT ALL then change "_x unassignItem "NVGoggles";" and "_x removeItem "NVGoggles";" to the classname of nvgs for that faction. Each faction uses different classname for nvgs.
  8. It looks like this function only works on Altis and Stratis but on mod maps it will still show time so can it be edited to only show time and cut out the "not stratis or Altis" error? /* Author: Jiri Wainar Description: Display OSD with location, time and possibly some other campaign related info. Parameter(s): _this select 0: array (optional) - position (default: player's position) _this select 1: array (optional) - date in format [_year,_month,_day,_hour,_min] (default: current date) Example: [] call BIS_fnc_camp_showOSD; Returns: - nothing - */ private["_fn_getSector"]; _fn_getSector = { private["_map","_posX","_posY","_gridX","_gridY","_secWidth","_secHeight"]; private["_bottomLeftX","_bottomLeftY","_topRightX","_topRightY"]; _map = toLower worldName; if !(_map in ["altis","stratis"]) exitWith { -1 }; if (_map == "stratis") then { _bottomLeftX = 1302; _bottomLeftY = 230; _topRightX = 6825; _topRightY = 7810; } else { _bottomLeftX = 1765; _bottomLeftY = 4639; _topRightX = 28624; _topRightY = 26008; }; _posX = _this select 0; _posY = _this select 1; //check if player is outside the map grid if !(_posX > _bottomLeftX && _posX < _topRightX && _posY > _bottomLeftY && _posY < _topRightY) exitWith { 0 }; //offset player pos to [0,0] _posX = _posX - _bottomLeftX; _posY = _posY - _bottomLeftY; _secWidth = (_topRightX - _bottomLeftX)/3; _secHeight = (_topRightY - _bottomLeftY)/3; _gridX = floor (_posX/_secWidth); _gridY = floor (_posY/_secHeight); ((_gridY * 3) + _gridX + 1) }; private["_position","_date","_output","_showDate","_showLocation","_showMap"]; private["_tLoc","_tMap","_tDate","_tTime","_tTimeH","_tTimeM","_tDay","_tMonth","_tYear"]; _showDate = true; _position = [_this, 0, getPos player, [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param; _date = [_this, 1, date, [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param; _tMap = [_this, 2, "auto", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param; _tLoc = [_this, 3, "auto", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param; if (_tMap != "") then { _showMap = true; } else { _showMap = false; }; if (_tLoc != "") then { _showLocation = true; } else { _showLocation = false; }; //get map text if (_showMap && _tMap == "auto") then { private["_sector","_map","_template"]; _sector = _position call _fn_getSector; if (_sector == -1) then { ["Map not recognized! Only 'Altis' and 'Stratis' are supported."] call BIS_fnc_error; _showMap = false; _showLocation = false; }; _map = gettext (configfile >> "cfgworlds" >> worldname >> "description"); _template = switch (_sector) do { case 1: {localize "STR_A3_SectorNorthWest"}; case 2: {localize "STR_A3_SectorSouth"}; case 3: {localize "STR_A3_SectorSouthEast"}; case 4: {localize "STR_A3_SectorWest"}; case 5: {localize "STR_A3_SectorCentral"}; case 6: {localize "STR_A3_SectorEast"}; case 7: {localize "STR_A3_SectorNorthWest"}; case 8: {localize "STR_A3_SectorNorth"}; case 9: {localize "STR_A3_SectorNorthEast"}; default { _showLocation = false; //hardcoded for Stratis and Altis only if (worldname == "Stratis") then { localize "STR_A3_NearStratis" } else { localize "STR_A3_NearAltis" }; }; }; _tMap = format[_template,_map]; }; //get current location text if (_showLocation && _tLoc == "auto") then { private["_locations","_loc"]; _locations = nearestLocations [getPos player, ["NameCity","NameCityCapital","NameLocal","NameMarine","NameVillage"], 500]; //filter-out locations without names { if (text _x == "") then { locations set [_forEachIndex, objNull]; }; } forEach _locations; _locations = _locations - [objNull]; if (count _locations > 0) then { _loc = _locations select 0; if ((getPos player) in _loc) then { _tLoc = text _loc; } else { _tLoc = format[localize "STR_A3_NearLocation", text _loc]; //tolocalize: "Poblíž lokace %1" }; } else { _tLoc = ""; _showLocation = false; }; }; //get daytime data _tYear = _date select 0; _tMonth = _date select 1; _tDay = _date select 2; if (_tMonth < 10) then {_tMonth = format["0%1",_tMonth]}; if (_tDay < 10) then {_tDay = format["0%1",_tDay]}; //get date text _tDate = format["%1-%2-%3",_tYear,_tMonth,_tDay]; //get time text _tTimeH = _date select 3; _tTimeM = _date select 4; if (_tTimeH < 10) then {_tTimeH = format["0%1",_tTimeH]}; if (_tTimeM < 10) then {_tTimeM = format["0%1",_tTimeM]}; _tTime = format["%1:%2",_tTimeH,_tTimeM]; //sum the output params & print it _output = [ [_tDate,"<t size='1.0' font='PuristaMedium'>%1</t>",0], [_tTime,"<t size='1.0' font='PuristaBold'>%1</t><br/>",5] ]; if (_showLocation) then { _output = _output + [[toUpper _tLoc,"<t size='0.9' font='PuristaBold'>%1</t><br/>",5]]; }; if (_showMap) then { _output = _output + [[_tMap,"<t size='0.9'>%1</t><br/>",30]]; }; [_output,-safezoneX,0.85,"<t color='#FFFFFFFF' align='right'>%1</t>"] spawn BIS_fnc_typeText; I'm not a script wizard so I can only understand small parts of this code. Any help would be great I think it is a very cool little function would love to use it on more maps. EDIT. Managed to make it stop checking for locations by simply changing a couple of the true/false values, now I just need to get the time to display a little longer. The time comes in fine but i think once it finishes and hits the "false" to check for location it instantly disappears (process takes about 3 seconds from time in to instant disappear) which can be kind of jarring as well as not providing enough time to read time.
  9. You love a tease don't you.
  10. Can you guys look into getting Everon 2014 indexed for ALiVE?
  11. PenguinInATuxedo

    ADF Uncut

    Getting a Strange animation while the Mag-58 is lowered, http://i.imgur.com/nPeb8n6.jpg?1 (141 kB) Notice the hand that is on top of the butt stock is clipping though the chest quite a bit.
  12. PenguinInATuxedo

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    Would you be able to add ADF Uncut to LEAs addon repo? Link
  13. PenguinInATuxedo

    Afghanistan Map - No Name.

    ArmA 3 has a bright future with talented modders such as your self.
  14. PenguinInATuxedo

    VTS Simple weapon resting

    Was this mod broken by the latest CBA update?
  15. I don't have the best PC but I would like to show some of my screenshots http://i.imgur.com/LHB3s5O.jpg Cargo Drop with C-130 and igiLoad, They make a great combination http://i.imgur.com/6t8XE0B.jpg (182 kB) Three of Perals A-10s in flight (Oil Painting) http://i.imgur.com/XKNLun8.jpg (166 kB) Four Mk82s on target during night Op http://i.imgur.com/LwX1z1v.jpg (140 kB) Commandos hold the line in an ancient ruin.
  16. PenguinInATuxedo

    @A3CV - ArmA 3 Coop: Vietnam

    i would love to see the ADF uncut guys help flesh out the Australian portion of A3CV, ADF uncut has some very nice models and textures.
  17. PenguinInATuxedo

    Hidden Identity Pack V.2 *WIP

    I hope you were going for a scary look because if I saw that coming at me I would have to turn and run.
  18. PenguinInATuxedo

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    You are such a tease Alduric
  19. In ArmA 2 that was handled by ST_Menu i think and that is not yet available in ArmA 3.
  20. PenguinInATuxedo

    ShackTac Fireteam HUD (STHUD)

    This is the thread for the A2 version but I too am having that issue.Here is the thread for the A3 version http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148344-ShackTac-Fireteam-HUD-(STHUD)-and-Group-Indicators-(STGI)-for-Arma-3
  21. Very cool, That sounds like it could fit to our playstyle well.
  22. very cool, My unit play with all the HUD elements off so will this turn on just the hexagons on players?
  23. PenguinInATuxedo

    Hidden Identity Pack V.2 *WIP

    Those guys look really bad ass.
  24. PenguinInATuxedo

    ADF Uncut

    Is it going to be on play with six?
  25. PenguinInATuxedo

    Jurassic Arma

    You do know said that in the context of why BIS didn't add elephants and more animals right?