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Everything posted by qdrummer21

  1. I just updated to the latest version and it's not recognizing when I'm in a town when playing on Takistan, Altis works correctly. When I enter the marked area I no longer see the town's information such as specialty on the left side and when I open the Shift-1 menu the buy option is not available. I also tried a water delivery mission and it wasn't recognizing the water being dropped off in the town.
  2. I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but when running this mission with RHS I can't seem to get RHS specific gear and ammo drops through the support menu. Am I missing something? It's really tricky to keep my guys equipped with RHS NATO weapons when all I can find is RHS Russian ammo.
  3. Loving the recent changes. This mission keeps getting better and better. Of course one of the things I like most about it is the base building, it's the only mission I've found that really integrates it into the mission. On the latest DropBox version of the SP mission I've been noticing the following bugs: 1. After playing all weekend, my game has developed a weird issue with objects disappearing. When I leave my custom built base to take care of some tasks there are parts missing when I return. Mostly it's random parts of my base's walls consisting of the "Military Wall" object. I thought maybe I did something the first time, but the second time I took 10 minutes to run to a town just over 1km away to drop off some water. When I came back there were holes in different spots. I've also had the "Bar Gate" object disappear once. 2. I think this one is related to the first bug. After leaving my base to run some tasks after building up new items in my base and then returning to the base some of the items that I placed, but used the "Undo" function to remove have reappeared. 3. My squad members AimingAccuracy skill keeps getting reset to zero. All of the other stats are remaining constant. Feature Request, could we get the following two items added to the base interface: 1. Negative Elevation: Being able to raise objects is very helpful, but occasionally they either don't actually touch the ground or I want to put them partially into the ground. Could we get the ability to lower the elevation to a negative value? I don't think we would need it to go very far. 2. Force Level: Occasionally I don't want an object to sit naturally on the terrain, I'd like to be able to force the object to a level position. An example of this is when putting sandbags or HESCO barriers on the side of steep incline. They end up looking like they should fall over. This combined with the Negative Elevation above would really allow for some more creative deployments. Keep up the great work and THANK YOU!!!!
  4. I experience this disappearing vehicle problem a lot as I too will setup FOB's to use for rearm and repair. It sometimes will go even a step further and one or all of the support trucks will randomly explode on resuming a save, or even as I leave the area after I place them.
  5. So I just had a thought today. Would it be possible to add some bunker and guard tower options into the build menu that would NOT count as bases. There are times where I want to put up several bunkers and/or towers in a base that I'm building, the reason I currently don't like doing this is they show up in the Fast Travel options as individual bases. I'm venturing to guess that the AI recognize them as individual bases as well for the purposes of attacking and defending. I know there's the problem of how to know which ones are the actual base and which ones are just extras. The towers I know have different "skins" in different colors, but I don't know if the bunkers come in more than 1 color.
  6. I've been playing with adding in my mod units into the various sides. Is there anyway for me to remove the default units? I'd like to replace all of the CSAT with Units from the CSAT Modification Project.
  7. I'm not sure if this is a limitation, a bug, or caused by one of my other mods and it's not a big issue. Any details or comments would be appreciated. When I build a base or a camp, the elevation of the items I place doesn't seem to be getting saved/restored on load in the SP game. For example if I want to build an extra tall wall I'll stack two H-Barriers on top of each other. I'll then use the Shit-1 save function. When I resume my game I'll start the mission using the "restart" option and then use the "resume" option from within the mission's initial configuration menu. When I get loaded back into my game the top H-barrier has dropped down to the ground level along with the H-barrier it was on top of.
  8. Perfect, that's what I was looking for. I didn't want my custom NATO troops being deployed as members of the resistance. :)
  9. Apologies if this is already documented and I've missed it. Under the mods menu for units, what is the difference between the Friendly Groups 1-4 and Enemy Groups 1-3? I'm looking to assign some of my mod units in but I'm not sure which numbered groups I should put them in. Thanks!!
  10. So after sometime off from WLA I've returned, and I have to say I'm really impressed with the changes. Great work SaOk. I have encountered one weird issue and none of my searches have turned up anything on it. If I'm in a vehicle and it takes fire from an enemy vehicle I instantly get re-spawned as if I died. When I go back to my vehicle it's still there and fully operational. Any thoughts?
  11. This looks like a great mod, I haven't had a chance to play around with it yet but I'm very excited to do so. I just want to first point out a mistake that has been made, and is commonly made outside of the medical community: A bandage is not used to treat bleeding, that's the job of a dressing. Dressings go over the open wound, the bandage goes over the dressing to hold it in place. A combat dressing is a dressing with a built in bandage that can be quickly applied all in one go ahead. Dressing are usually square and made of multiple layers of gauze that to absorb the blood and facilitate clotting. Dressings are rolls of a very thin gauze, because of how thin they are they are not adequate to stop bleeding even when wrapped around the injured area multiple times. I can tell you from my experience in wilderness rescue with the National Ski Patrol combined with conversation I've had with a fellow patroller who is a former Navy Corpsman who did several tours in the sandbox (he was discharged due to wounds suffered in his second IED explosion) that you're not even close. These guys carry ALOT of gear, you'd be surprised how much you can cram for emergency medicine and trauma stabilization. In my patrol belt (approximately 14"x5"x3" in dimension) I carry the following with room to spare: x2 SAM Splints x10 Cravats (twice the size of military spec as we've got to get them around thick winter clothing) These server multiple roles as Slings, tourniquets, bandages, and non-Sterile dressings. x5 4"x4" Gauze Dressings x5 2"x2" Gauze Dressings x5 2" Wide Bandages x5 4" Wide Bandages x1 Roll Medical Tape x1 Pen Light x1 Rescue Breathing Mask x5 Pairs of Exam Gloves x100 6" Industrial Zip Ties (We have to repair a lot of storm fences) :) The fellow patroller carries, what he defines as, a small rescue pack. He carries easily twice the quantity of the supplies I listed along with stethoscope, BP Cuff, full set of adult and pediatric nasal airways, and a full set of adult and pediatric oral airways, and other assorted goodness that I have yet had time to discover in exploring his pack. His combat pack was usually twice the size of his patrol pack, plus his vest, and two leg packs. The key to surviving is to keep the air going in and out and the blood going around and around. The supplies needed to do this are very small and very lightweight (bandages, dressings, tourniquets, airways, chest decompression needles) this means you can carry a lot of them. I do agree with the idea of each soldier carrying some dressings and bandages for use on themselves, this is actually a common practice.
  12. qdrummer21

    TMR Modular Realism

    Lordprimate, Other than some weapon and uniform mods this is the only one I run, it happens to also be the only one I have had this problem with. I have now widened my search to not be mod specific and see what you were saying about the issue. Thank you for your reply.
  13. qdrummer21

    TMR Modular Realism

    First off, I love this mod. There are a lot of great features to it. I'm having one problem though. If I resume any saved mission the weapon rest and bipod functions no longer work. If I restart the mission everything works fine. I'll then save, exit out to the main menu, and resume the mission I just saved and again no weapon rest or bipod functionality. I've even duplicated this in the weapon resting and bipod mission included with TMR. Any ideas?
  14. qdrummer21

    TMR Modular Realism

    --Post Deleted-- I got it working.