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Posts posted by nabbl

  1. I don't like the launcher. Please remove it. Hamper...

    Don't know if serious but WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS?

    This is a feedback thread. That means: What is needed to improve the launcher?

    It is helping nobody when you just write: I don't like it. Please delete.

    The question is: What do you not like? What needs to be changed in order to be properly used by yourself?

    I think that the launcher is great and will offer a lot of benefits for the community. Mod management never has been easier. (And with the new workshop it will be even better!)

  2. I actually really enjoy the launcher. The things that I believe would make it better would be:

    1: Server browser w/ automatic mod downloads from the server (if the mods aren't already on steam)

    2: I've never been a big fan of lists (I know, ironic), so maybe a way to switch from list view for mods to Icon view (if there's no mod icon it would just read the name)

    3: detection of already existing mods when you have the same mod downloaded from the workshop (This has happened to me)

    4: automatic detection of mods downloaded via the steam workshop (I'm sure that's on it's way)

    Great ideas right there.

    #1 will be hard to do with non-workshop-mods.

    #2 is absolutely great!

    #3 makes sense.

    #4 it is already this way.

  3. Piece of crap? I can't live without it after it was introduced. Only things that are missing are better workshop support (not really launcher's issue and coming later) and no server browser.

    How hard is it to just use the launch parameter...? It's a great tool and user friendly.

    Yes! Server browser and the new workshop will make this thing even more beautiful.

  4. I pretty much like this MOD. You are great mission/mod designers however you really don't do a good job in advertising this thing.

    1.) Get the website up!

    2.) Integrate all mod dependencies into one file. (Ask the TFR, A3MP, AiA guys if you can include their work...of course with mentioning them!)

    3.) Create an installer for it. It is not that hard of a task actually and provides great benefit

    4.) Get servers running 24/7

    5.) Advertise it on youtube, twitch whatsoever.

    Playerunknown's Battle Royale is a great example of how to do it.

    This mod has great potential but you really need to live up to todays expectations of borderless gaming.

  5. I have to be blind, I can't find them anywhere

    You have to download the Escalation Package:

    â–¶ Missions

    rhs_sp_first_contact.Altis.pbo October 24 2014 18:52:00

    rhs_sp_first_move.Altis.pbo October 24 2014 19:01:02

    rhs_sp_heavy_metal.Altis.pbo October 24 2014 18:50:34

    Included are also a couple of ZEUS missions (Chernarus and other maps too)...

  6. Ummm...did anyone elses framerate skyrocket after the last patch? My games is running incredibly well in MP with default ultra settings and view distances of 3800. 3200 and 200. Whatever BIS did, me likes it.


    Can you test a bit further ? Like going onto a Wasteland Server or such unoptimized mission?

  7. I like playing the pubs - specifically King of the Hill but the game does need more modes/missions which are publicly available (lets see what happens with the Battlefield mod). Although the pub games can be rather shallow in that there is not alot of organised teamplay going on (but there is some - highly dependent on server and players) what it does cater for is the player like me to hop on when you have a few hours to play when time allows, unlike clans (which require committment, training and include their fair share of politics and rage-quitting).

    What does infuriate me iswhen you see that all of the highly populated servers are all running Wasteland or Altis Life - I just dont understand the attraction in that mode and never will. Isnt the whole point of Arma about assaulting a position and capturing it as a team?

    You can do that on most Wasteland Servers too. Some of them have territorial conquest built in. I really enjoy playing Wasteland (burn me) and when the mission is developed properly it can give you an amazing experience.

    I usually play in a team of two and we are having a great time on Altis on an 80 player server, sniping from hills, accomplishing some side missions and killing as many players as possible while trying to keep being alive (even better in harcore mode). The "fun" thing is though, that you drop all your stuff on death. So if you want to survive you have play quite tactical.

    There are a lot of very good PvPers on Wasteland servers who are used to play and aim in shooter-games. It just gives you another rush not like in COOP games where you hunt stupid AI bots which either finish you in seconds or won't even look at you.

    In a good Wasteland mission you can have both.

  8. I hope this is an older version .. at least some of that shouldn't work in reality. If it still works, please fix it ..

    Why should it not work seriously?

    Every armored vehicle has a weakness. It is like in real life. You can damage an armored vehicle with a rifle when you are able to for example destroy the weak parts of it.

    Hunter, Iffrith and Strider have fuel tanks which you can damage. APCs and so on have louvers which are needed to properly shoot. With this component damaged you cant shoot anymore. simple as that.

    I knew that before ...

    But ingame you first have to be able to shoot a magazin onto a vehicles cannon and hit every time. And most of the time you are plain dead (even more when third person is allowed...). I sometimes managed to kill vehicle with a GM6 Lynx and 7.62 mm ZAFIR, when you know where the weak spot is.

    Same with helicopters btw. Aim for the rotor, and it will go down. You can even shoot with an MX to achieve that.

  9. I played a lot of Multiplayer matches yesterday and funny thing is... When I login first I get like 50 fps. Game is running smooth and very well on high details. After a while when I drive through some cities however my frames go down to 30 and most of the time below thirty.

    I don't know why. I tried every trick and every hint on the forums. It is kind of annoying when the performance is that bad.

    My rig is state of the art (i7 haswell, geforce760TI, 16gb RAM, SSD) and this game isn't playable at all.
