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Everything posted by omer_d

  1. Tires yes, Tracks yes, but that's it. no engine replacing, no spare parts, even a broken windshield can be repair with a magic glue or something...
  2. Hi! I'd love to see a mechanics & recovery mod. In the vanilla all you have to do is come close to the damaged vehicle and it magically fixed. In ACE there are spare wheels / tracks. but that's it! no mechanic specialist needed, no tools needed, no spare parts needed. This situation is far from the real-life, when you see trucks with parts, repair vehicles, tools and mechanics around the damaged vehicles. I don't know how to model or script, only texturing, and have a lot of knowlege in this subject.
  3. Hi everybody! An idea for a new island addon: Located at the edge of the Persian Gulf, just at the Strait of Hormuz, there are 3 small islands: Abu Musa, Greater Tunb and Lesser Tunb, whisch are performing natural gates for the oil tankers and other ships that coming or leaving the Gulf. Since the 70's these small islands are been held by the Iranians, and containing commando troops, airfields with interceptors and bombers, missiles and military ships. These islands are the keys to the Persian Gulf, which means every attack on Iran will contain capturing these islands. I guess in a large scale attack, no commando troop will get on these islands but a large scale bomb run will flat them to dust, but I think that an infiltration will be much interesting on ArmA... (ArmA II... no III yet... please...) Thanks! Omer
  4. And if I'm already here- I have a request..: SIX DAYS WAR Mod for AII ! 3-4 arenas (Sinai Desert, Golan Hights, Jehuda and Samaria, and of course- Jerusalem!), most of the vehicles are just need to be reskined. A different, smart type of war..!
  5. Smoking virtual cigarette?! you'll get an electronic cancer! ;)
  6. The Dagger/Nesher was a bad, bad plane for Argentina... In Yom Kippur War it did great, destroyed over 100 planes (with only 5 losses!), but been used under the medditerranean weather (clear), short ranges and with the "right" enemies (early MiG-21, MiG-17 etc.). In Falkland, however, the weather was worse (Dagger has no RADAR), the distance was longer, and the British had better planes and missiles than 9 years earlier... I guess a wrack object for it will be neccesary... :p Looks great!
  7. Very nice! how about some weathering, giving some "past" to that bike? :o
  8. omer_d

    FIM-92 Stinger

    Not in every case... the warhead is (by Wikipedia) only 3 kg Hit-To-Kill, so you'll get an explosion but it will not blow up the whole target. Fuel, armament and other explosive stuff will do the rest- if there's any...