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Posts posted by ThorBrasil

  1. Sorry to report it but there is an issue with calling in mortar fire (using V2). Playing teh campaign mission Radio Silence and mortar rounds are WAY off target... Unloaded the mod and the problem goes away. Not sure what's going on?

    is because this mod changes the structure and weapons not only the sound.

  2. Great update with the v2 loving the 30mm cannon rounds it sounds just like the youtube videos of gunships taking out insurgents. Awesome job man, looking forward to more progress. Just wanted to say thanks.

    PS: How are we to know when updates are released for mods? Is there any sort of self-updater? I would hate to be playing with outdated mods!

    :D Thanks!

  3. Many thanks for the update v2 and core fix! Greatly improved the MOD. Suggestion. Have to increase the volume of shots in the third person? The missiles from helicopters are too slow and hitting different angles. Its slow the shot GM6 and M320? It is because that the animations do not recoil when firing out fast. Make the effect of blood style dust. Thank you and excuse any misinterpretation. Blame the terrible google translator. ;)

  4. Thanks for informing us of the newest release mate :cool:

    Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


    We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

    This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

    When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

    Thanks! Download Now! This update now includes the new weapons of the campaign?

  5. No thank you, its actually against forum rules.

    People have been mentioning how third person sounds lack the noise that gun fire has in real life, I've done an experiment that i want you guys to test out as a comparison.

    Make sure you store your pbo's that this test will replace, for your own choice.


    let me what you think of the experiment

    Never shot in real life. I think the sound gives spring is too high. Looks like a second shot at some weapons. Google translator!

  6. The Speed ​​Of Sound with CBA Beta 4 is giving problems. The sound of gunfire is sound old and new at the same time. I'm crazy about the new version. Should fix these problems. Thanks for the great mod. Remembering that it is only possible to hear the sound of spring guns in the CBA. Google Translator terrible! ;)

  7. Today discover the Speed ​​Of Sound needs CBA. The sound changed from water to wine. In ArmaHolic site does not mention the requirement for the CBA. Remembering to those who do not know. Mod The Speed ​​Of Sound needs CBA. The effect of the blood changed with CBA installed. It was perfect! Google Translator!

  8. I have tried removing various files out of the mod, but I can not find how to remove the exaggerated blood splatters and fleshy chunks. What file is associated with the gore? Don't take this to heart. I love your work, but I don't think the bitty chunks of flesh flying everywhere is exactly logical.

    I loved this mod blood. I hope the developer does not delete the mod blood. What he could do is make separate MOD sound. Gooogle Translator.
