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About Matt_Haskins91

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Matt_Haskins91

    Ivory Aircraft

    Loving the new improvements mate. I would like to add the ECM is on the left hand side and the Boz Pod is on the right looking from behind but im just being picky with that. Also the fins on the ECM are a little close together. Keep up the good work excite to see the progress on the cockpit. Feel free to get in touch any time :)
  2. Matt_Haskins91

    Ivory Aircraft

    Im not sure basically the ECM on the tornado mimics the aircraft at a different location to the aircraft effectively creating a shadow of the aircraft therefore confusing enemy radar etc
  3. Matt_Haskins91

    Ivory Aircraft

    Thrust reverse buckets are only used when landing, they do not deploy in flight. The 2250 tanks you have modeled restrict the wing sweep to much less than it is now due to the fins. The 2250 tanks are only used to increase the range of an aircraft and tend to be used for non operational purposes ie traversing from base to base. 1500Ltr tanks are what you need much smaller. http://data.primeportal.net/hangar/luc_colin2/tornado_gr4/Tornado%20GR.4%20Maple%20Flag%20010.JPG Missiles are never loaded to the outboard pylons these are for countermeasure such as the ECM and AIRCM pods. AIRCM http://tornadosig.weebly.com/uploads/4/2/0/0/4200523/7740448_orig.jpg ECM http://s20.photobucket.com/user/DDonSS3/media/Tornado/Skyshadow2.jpg.html There is another pylon down the centre of the aircraft which isn't modeled and can hold one store in the middle of it http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5b/Tornado_gr4_za597_kemble_arp.jpg Paveways on the front are to far forward I hope this helps I have edited the grammatical errors as I was drunk when I wrote it originally oops lol
  4. Matt_Haskins91

    Ivory Aircraft

    Video overview of the Tornado GR4
  5. Matt_Haskins91

    Ivory Aircraft

    Hiya i have just noticed the Tornado and would like to offer my assistance. I'm currently posted on XV® SQN RAF Lossiemouth and i'm a Weapons Technician on the Tornado GR4 and i work very closely with the aircraft. If you would like help hit me up :)
  6. Matt_Haskins91

    United States Air Force

    Check out the other videos from the pack if you like.
  7. Matt_Haskins91

    United States Air Force

    Uploading the rest as we speak will have links to follow C5 Galaxy B1 Lancer AC 130
  8. Matt_Haskins91

    United States Air Force

    Currently working on a showcase video :)
  9. Matt_Haskins91

    HAFM ArmA 2 UK Wheeled - Import

    No worries you deserve the recognition keep up the good work :-)
  10. Matt_Haskins91

    HAFM ArmA 2 UK Wheeled - Import

    Video overview of the vehicles
  11. Matt_Haskins91

    BAFSystems - RAF Tornado GR4

    Hi I was referred to this thread from somebody in my ARMA 3 unit. The reason being I am in the RAF as an Armourer and I currently work on Tornados on XV ® at RAF Lossiemouth. I would like to offer my assistance in this project with working very closely on the aircraft I would love to input into the development Haskins
  12. Hey I am looking for some help with regards to allowing me to use the MCC Sandbox when using a ARMA 3 server for which I have ownership. I have access to The control panel but that is as far it gets with regards to using it. Thank you for your help