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Everything posted by Ramiel

  1. Ramiel

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    thx for heads up commy... I have next question though... at our unit ops we've encoutered problem with repairing vehicles.. we know there is some repair modification that AGM provide.. but it seems like, there are only spare tires and spare tracks.. how do I repair something different than tires and tracks? It looks like I don't have option to repair something not even with repair kit nor with repair truck... same with refueling.. we have tried everything what we could think of.. but nothing.. no AGM action menu for refuel not even vanila action menu.. So I don't know if we fu*ked up something on our side, or it's not possible due AGM..
  2. Ramiel

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Can someone explain to me how these modules are working, please? I've tried Fatigue system module.. It says Getting tired coef. default 1... so with that as a soldied, with standart equipment (about 23 kg) I was able to run (regular run, not sprint) for 455 meters on the airfield (flat area).. Then I've tried set that coef. to 0.5.. nothing changed.. tried with comma, same.. nothing.. tried sync that module to the player.. (same with comma and dot).. again nothing.. tried group that module to the player.. nothing.. So, how this sh*t works??
  3. Ramiel

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    so, after G-locking in helicopter (Chinook ported from A2 for reference)... I have to ask, how to tweak that G-force effect ???