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About THE-NemesisUK

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  1. THE-NemesisUK

    [Template ArmA 3] for file "squad.xml"

    I just dropped all files in the share folder and just put the link in my player ID Still nothing lol :mad:
  2. THE-NemesisUK

    [Template ArmA 3] for file "squad.xml"

    Guys, i had this all setup before on my old A2 server but trying to do it on A3 i just cant get my patch to come up online on my arm or any vehicles tanks choppers. Badges/Patches aren't disabled on the server, I used a .png 256X256 transparent picture and converted with Texview2 to .paa and uploaded it. (unable to post link yet). I've triple checked my Player ID and the URL in my profile and know my Username is correct {RoC}THE-Nemesis I've also tried changing my player to Stu and editing the squad.xml to Stu but still nothing... Any idea please? <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE squad SYSTEM "squad.dtd"> <?xml-stylesheet href="squad.xsl?" type="text/xsl"?> <squad nick="{RoC}"> <name>Rifle Only Clan</name> <email>N/A</email> <web>etc etc etc</web> <picture>sqd_logo.paa</picture> <title>PA</title> <member id="7656119805*******" nick="{RoC}THE-Nemesis"> <name>Nem</name> <email>N/A</email> <icq>N/A</icq> <remark>Don't panic</remark> </member> </squad>