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About squishall1962

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  1. Hello, One aspect of wargaming and simming that I truly enjoy is the actual planning of the mission. Most people want to jump right in and start killing things. I don't like dying in game at all and therefore spend a great deal of time planning. There must be more of you out there that feel the same way. I spent 23+ years in the infantry and continue to soldier on through sims like Arma. I use RL tactics and proper combat assessments and battle procedure. My idea would go something like this: Monday - Warning order/initial orders issued for a given mission and a leader(s) assigned Leaders have until the Sunday to prepare their plan and formal orders. The rest of the group would meet online at a set time on Sunday and the orders would be given, a short time given for all to have a look at the map and clarify anything and then we would go into battle. Or something along this line. I would really like a group of players that would be eager to learn if they have no RL experience as well as other serving soldiers or those who have served in the Army. If there is no group like this at the moment then lets form one. Cheers