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Everything posted by tk11044

  1. Hello all. I have just recently re installed Arma 2 and OA. Arma 2 patches fine but when i try to patch OA it throws up the "wrong CD key" error then closes upon hitting ok. No i do not play dayZ as i despise of it and have not hacked in arma at all. I have re installed multiple times but every time it still throws up the error.
  2. tk11044

    Wrong CD Key.

    Got the problem turns out that my anti virus was registering the patches as Trojans -_- which was causing it, because as soon as i turned off all AV it worked like a charm.
  3. Hello all, I am making a campaign for single player and i would like the AAN intro in the first mission i have tried the way you do it in OA but no joy anyone got any clues?
  4. tk11044

    AAN Intro

    OK well i sorta forgot to add in that i am a complete noob at scripting and doing this sort of thing not the mission making aspect just the scripting part.
  5. tk11044

    Need login system

    It should work with the way Zatan13th said use the GUI editor then link everything up.
  6. tk11044

    Fan Trailer

    Hello all, just popping in to say that i am currently working on a arma 3 fan trailer now that the game has been released and as it does not have alot of things in it i will be using some mods, all i have to do is record it and edit it together so hopfully it will be done in about 3-4 days.