I'm 17(18 in Oct. 21st) I reside in New Zealand Bought Arma 2 & Arma OA Downloaded the A.C.E Full Modset, DayZ Mods (I am able to download any mods if necessary) Able to fly helicopters Able to drive Able to snipe I have TS3 I have Steam I have Skype
My name is Chester, I am a pretty easy going guy, I'm fairly new to this game got it for like 3 weeks played 110 hours on the game so far
(Mostly by playing DayZ Mods) I'm looking for a ARMA 2 COOP mission group preferably Australia/New Zealand Base players.
I can learn things really quick. I can have fun but also be mature at the same time. My balls have dropped
ages ago so don't worry about me having a high pitch voice (if that helps)