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Everything posted by shaka

  1. Hello. I'm Chinese, interested! But do not know how to start, and now has been doing a good job of topographic map.
  2. ZeroG,Thank you for your offer, great work, learn from you,Although the use of Google translation, many are not very accurate, I will always continue to learn.
  3. shaka

    Tools for create new maps for arma3

    Arma3 can do so much map? Now I would like to ask to what extent.
  4. shaka

    Tools for create new maps for arma3

    Thanks to zeroG's article, I am Chinese children, has been studying the arma3 map editor, but is confused, look for a week's forum, but I couldn't find the right way, until now, I have used L3DT to make a 100 square kilometers of terrain, but the next step is not know how to do, always pay attention to you!