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Everything posted by timsk

  1. Ah, I didn't realize the missionNamespace is just the the global scope. Good to know, thanks. Not really.... In fact, just writing out the issue in more detail has led me to a solution I think. The host just needs to store the values for each player, then assign them on load. I would just reset them at the start of the init.sqf, the init.sqf is only called when a mission is started from fresh (not pressing the 'continue' button). Thanks a lot for your help, it seems just talking out the problem has led me to the solution :).
  2. Put the mission folder in your Documents/Arma 3/Missions folder. Change the values you want, load the map in the editor, press Save As, choose "Export To Multiplayer", then load it as normal.
  3. I totally forgot about a dinner I had planned this evening (oops). So I didn't get a chance to work on it. I'll be starting tomorrow instead :). Thanks for pointing me to the steam page, seems to be a more active community than here! I find steam doesn't really support discussions as well as a forum, so I'll be sticking to this to talk things out. That said, I'll have a read through for some ideas. Good to see your top two bugs are the ones I'll be fixing first :). At first glance, people seem to like the idea of having ambient civilians around. I'm thinking a -0.5cp penalty for shooting them, and an option to have them disabled.
  4. I sent kibot a message about this. I'd like to improve the scaling of enemies based on AP, how well the players are doing and such. Sometimes, the enemy can start with tanks and APC's. Then you won't see anything but infantry when you rolling around in helos with 5 fireteams. By the way, is anyone else working on this system? I've seen a few posts of people doing snippets and small pieces, just wondering if there's any other coders active?
  5. This sounds like a great compromise. The ability to pick which FoB to respawn at would be great I think. It would also make the choice of where to put FoB's more important. About to launch a big assault on a cluster of 3 large enemy zones? Put a FoB nearby and move some vehicles in beforehand! That way, if you die, you can respawn at a FoB and get back into the fight. This keeps dying a scary thing to happen, but reduces the frustration. I also like the idea of spawning a few ATV's with a FoB, that could be real handy. What do you think? Should be able to hook in the =BTC=Revive system to work with FoB's. I'll take a look into it once I've made a dent in the current list. Awesome ideas btw guys, keep them coming! :).
  6. That sounds... terrible. Logistics is a big part of why I enjoy this mission, being a milsim, I imagine lots of others would agree. Fast travel is a big no-no for me. Sorry! On the other hand, if it's something a lot of people want, I don't mind putting it in. It's basically a 'teleport', which is super easy to make... Edit: There is already an option to fast-travel using the helicopter transport. It will teleport to your position, then fly you where you want to go. Did you want to just be able to teleport to a location for a low cost? Seems like it could make the game very, very in-balanced
  7. I don't really want to work directly on the dedicated server support. I'm more than happy to help out with it tho. If someone wants to give it a go, post any questions here (or PM me) and I'll help out if I can. The best starting point would be to host a dedicated server, connect to it and see what breaks. Your main problem is going to be that isServer returns true for a dedicated server and for a player host, this will be fine for map setup (spawning enemies and such) but anything that is related to the player will break. Some of the things I'm fixing will actually make this easier. For instance, I will be making side missions work for all players (not just the host), this means that this won't need to be fixed for a dedicated server, as it will not rely on the host being a player. The other main issue will be the map configuration. You will have to handle that separately as currently it relies on the host player interacting with a GUI. Basically, anything that relies on the detecting if the current player is the host of the server will most likely break on a dedicated server. The best fix for this would be to attempt to make the functionality in question work for all players (not just the host player), this will have a knock on effect of fixing it on dedicated servers.
  8. Great idea. I've had player squad swapping working in my own missions before, not sure what issues it might cause in this, but I'll take a look at it. Added to the list! PvP would be great with this system. But that would be a lot of work (on top of the other bits I'm doing), so not something I'll be looking at.
  9. I won't be adding any new side mission myself unfortunately. I did say this tho: Good idea, I'll add it to my list. Could you expand on what you mean? Do you mean players can join other players squads? Or give players the ability to join the Opfor? Not something I'm willing to do, sorry.
  10. Hey guys, I'm starting work on DUWS this evening. I wanted to get some opinions / suggestions on the stuff I'll be implementing (I'm hoping to get at least some of it in the official release): Add squad leaders to each platoon (No reason for Alpha 1-1-1 to be the only squad leader). Also add more variety in the starting setup choices (reduces need for armory early on). Add radio commands to high command squads for different waypoints (e.g: S&D, enter vehicle, dismount, guard). I already have this coded, just need to put it in this system. Save all players supports and position when exiting a game (Players currently spawn at Main Base without any supports upon reconnect). Improve side mission multiplayer compatibility. Let everyone start and finish side missions, and sync task updates alerts across all players. Make enemies occupy and patrol towns if they spawn near one (objective near a town? They will be patrolling inside buildings, will make for some great urban fights). Add a second stage of FoB fortifcation. More expensive, spawns bunkers and sandbags. Everything above is pretty trivial to get done, so any suggestions or ideas would be appreciated. Thanks :). Also wanted to comment on the revive system that someone implemented above.... That doesn't really make sense for this system I don't think. When you die, you respawn back at base and have to carry on the operation from there, or regroup, which works really nicely with the feeling of war.
  11. I was just wondering, is it possible to lose? I mean, can you let the enemy get too strong (AP) and they will actually destroy your base? Awesome system btw!