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Everything posted by [TS]Djmitri

  1. [TS]Djmitri

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Ah ok thanks, i didn't see all the readme. So the Teamleader and the rest of the squad need to carry a DAGR? :cool:
  2. [TS]Djmitri

    ACE for OA 1.13

    I have same problem...:j: And anybody know, how can i have back group markers on map? Like 1-1-A, 1-1-B, 1-1-C... In stable version there was a module that you can "turn off" them, but on last version i don't know how i can do it to turn on... :confused::confused::confused:
  3. Hi guys, i have a problem with the ACE_Wounds_Prev_Time. I'm trying to edit a new mission with ACE 1.14 rc1, i would like to use the ACE Revive script without other external revive script; i have 1 rifleman, 1 grenadier and 1 medic than i put this ACE Modules in my mission: - ACE Wounds: Enable Wounds System (in the init field i wrote: ace_sys_wounds_no_rpunish = true; ace_wounds_prevtime = 300; ) - ACE Wounds: Full Heal in the Field - ACE Wounds: Only Medics can use Epi and Morphine But when an enemy hit me down, i can't see the "lifetime" countdown. If i try the same mission with ACE 1.13 Stable, the ACE_Wounds_Prev_Time is working really good as always. I did some missions with ACE 1.13 stable and i never had this problem. Look at this: ACE 1.13 Stable ACE 1.14 rc1 Do you know guys how can I fix it? Thank you very much! :confused:
  4. Thank you very much columdrum, now it's working! :p Sorry, but i'm new on this forum and it's a little dispersive... Is this the ACE thread?