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Have a question regarding capture ammo trucks... is it possible to refill a vehicle gun from a capture ammo truck or does it have to be a vehicle ammo box from player inventory? spent a good 10 mins today mouse wheeling and player menuing with a strider gmg and a hemtt ammo truck but no joy
It's crashing again on Wasteland
disgruntled replied to disgruntled's topic in ARMA 3 - TROUBLESHOOTING
i7 3770k, 16gb ram, gtx780. it's killing the server as well on occasion. this is on Sa-Matras. YES I AM SURE IT'S THE ARMA3.EXE Maybe it is the mission....but it's not exactly like A3 is famous for stability is it -
It's crashing again. every hour or so now. have recently updated GPU drivers to 331.58. Running the Stable (hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha good one BIS) build. Fault file is arma3.exe It usually happens just as the game's getting good. Fed up of this, please fix it. Currently feel as if the £30 quid i paid for the game is a complete waste. To all the you haven't provided enough info, it's probably your crappy pc brigade. NO it's the game that is at fault.
My two cents for the posters in ArmA 3 general
disgruntled replied to laverniusregalis's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
^^ There's that acceptance again -
My two cents for the posters in ArmA 3 general
disgruntled replied to laverniusregalis's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
I would tell you this but right now I don't even want to fire up the game to browse settings. This is how disgusted I feel with it. my point was I have a more than adequate rig to play on and have already named the majority of possible tweaks. The pc, settings and my knowledge of them once saw 205 fps from vanilla Arma 2 DayZ. I suppose I could mess with scenecomplexity and particles but cba. Part of my problem and anger is the way the community (and myself in the past) act towards these foibles with the game. In this thread we've already seen the generic "and you thought Arma 2 released any better?" and whilst in game with friends when one suggests doing something out of the ordinary the response is regularly "yeah it might work but it's Arma lol" <- said it myself. There seems to be a general acceptance of issues with the game. Browsing various threads I'm seeing what I presume are stalwarts of the community saying how the game has it's problems and bugs then going on to their point for the post. It is this acceptance I would love to see stamped out. If these stalwarts and new members alike were to come together and give BIS a bit of a hard time in forums and bug reports we could maybe hope for a more "get it right first time" approach. 1.02 has caused a lot of issues for many players and what has made this worse is that it was submitted on a Friday therefore doesn't get addressed all weekend and maybe hasn't even been looked at yet. The weekend is the main time (for some no doubt the only time) to play games for most people so their plans to play Arma 3 this weekend have been...well, ruined. If it was stable I'd be playing it right now instead of here! The single threaded CPU nature of the game is an issue but it would no doubt mean a rewrite of the engine - I've already said this would be nice for Arma 4. Physx - I have an awesome Nvidia card, howsabout that Arma 3 uses it!! Ditto for graphics...the acx fan doesn't even pick up when running the game. Any other game the fan sings a tune reminiscent of a wind turbine. I could go on... It is this acceptance which I believe allows BIS to get away with these things! As a gamer in my 30s I've been playing since Pong on the Magnavox and I tell you this: Arma 3 is approaching Battletoads in it's current multiplayer state -
My two cents for the posters in ArmA 3 general
disgruntled replied to laverniusregalis's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
it was my pc you called a potato. it is: 3770k @ stock 16gb g skill trident x 120gb ocz ssd evga gtx 780 sc acx settings wise ultra for most, however the radial blur and it's 2 companions have been turned off, view distance and object draw distance were toned down due to Altis running rough on the dev build before sept 12. gpu_maxframesahead and detectedframesahead have both been adjusted to a minimal value. start parameters added. so go on mr. myarma3hasn'tcrashedever5timestothemax what else can i do? -
low performance in towns has been there since the beginning. It should be recognised without users having to jump through several hoops to point out issues BIS should know. it's likely that this will be an issue for all of arma 3s life. we can only hope that arma 4 would see a glaring issue like this addressed but i'm not holding much hope for that, are you?
maybe the previous thread did get my point across but I was hoping for an actual response. although my tone is aggressive in your opinion it is correctly worded and to the most part has sufficient grammar. That at least I would hope merit a response. it seems mine and many others arguments are being ignored. it just got swept under the carpet by a mod if they are going to sweep this under then they might as well ban me now. until arma 3 resembles a content heavy, stable and up to date game (and justifies it's cost) I will sing this from the rafters.
due to my previous thread being closed as I have been "angry" in my statements here we go again. the issue is reported with 1.02 breaking the game. apparently it is on your high priority list. I am a customer of BIS who is a bit annoyed at the state of the game and their general attitude towards this. another customer who as I stated hounded various forums had threads removed, was branded a troll by BIS high ups and was eventually banned and had to go further afield to get their views heard. myself and that guy have as much right to state our unhappiness about the game and it's current state as do sycophantic suckups, we paid just as much money as everyone else to play it. sweeping the last thread (and no doubt this one) out just sends the message you don't care and nothing will be done to address the core issues causing all this. well that's it. why support such an ignorant, incompetent software house. you have your game back, refund please (oh what's that? no refunds!! lol) if i sold you something that was outdated and only functioned fully for the lucky few you would want your money back
oh i give up. even if it runs perfectly for you and has never crashed (once again - BS!!!) then you are in a very small minority.# please recognise this as i stated launching just myself in editor on Altis and flying around causes fps drops of 90+ frames. no multiplayer, no AI, nothing going on the map other than me. this is exactly how large cities affected Arma 2. Is it too much to expect BIS to have recognised this and worked on it? NO The game is very single cpu threaded, it doesn't cache assets in memory. it is constantly hammering hd. you would think a game released in 2013 would be better than this. blindly saying works fine for me you must be stupid etc gets us nowhere
and it is these explosive effects and physics issues that are causing these crashes. why don't you report it. you have gone from arma 3 works perfectly and never ever crashes to fps drops here there and everywhere in the space of 3 posts. supporting this company blindly is what has made this situation come about. 10,000 suck ups blindly supporting them whilst their game is only half playable is not going to change things. the negativity has come out following this broken patch. it has been building up for some time. IF YOU ARE GOING TO CHALLENGE MY VIEWS THEN BE HONEST AND SAY EXACTLY WHY I AM WRONG AND GIVE EXAMPLES. MY ARGUMENT CONTAINS A HELL OF A LOT MORE STRUCTURE AND REASON THAN YOURS WHICH SIMPLY SAYS I LOVE BIS LIKE A TEENAGE GIRL LOVES SOME GOD AWFUL POP BAND AND WANT TO HAVE THEIR BABIES
run Altis in single player. take a heli out, 100-120 fps. go near a town - 20-30 fps. now come on. my rig is nigh on as good as it can get. the only thing i can do is go for haswell - £420 for 5 more fps? NO I DON'T THINK SO this was the same with large cities on Chenarus in Arma 2. have they learnt anything? attempted to improve things regarding this? no they haven't, same engine just looks prettier performance is only half of it. the game is lacking any real content since alpha release and the devs when pressured on forums get stroppy, refuse to acknowledge issues and then half the time delete the thread as it turns into ****post after ****post. i named the thread incompetent, that's what i'm saying about BIS as a whole. will arma tactics work when it drops? doubtful
3770k, 16gb ram, 120gb ssd, evga gtx 780 sc acx (which doesn't even get warm on ultra settings!!). please tell me more about how my high end pc is a potato...as for you've never had a crash since alpha - BS if your 2 cents is to defend BIS no matter what then you're blind and daft lad. 1.02 has broken many many customers games. besides....2 defenders of BIS WITH NO JUSTIFICATION OR REASONING FOR THEIR OPPOSITION OF MY POST WHATSOEVER. why? COS THERE IS NO JUSTIFICATION
This has no doubt being said several times but after shovelling £53 down BIS this year I'm annoyed. Arma 3 is in a state, it's nowhere near finished and the last patch is the final straw. I played on Friday, it crashed twice within 30 mins each time. I check forums to see if it's just me - NOPE!! Why would you put out a bad patch...especially on a Friday. The game runs badly, I read the "troll" (BIS's word not mine) thread in which a determined customer put forth the notion that your engine is outdated and that is why the game can be quite unplayable at times. Everything he said is true and his thread was well put together and informative. Mareks response regarding considering running dummy loops so the customer is no wiser to what's going on under the hood is insulting. Even if an engine rewrite gives negligible performance increases then it has to be worth a shot as many people have found their £20-40 investment a complete waste of money. Plus we got DayZ, where the comunity backlash following missed release dates and broken promises reached fever pitch a while back. All this whilst you're shovelling out other games too, do they work? I'd like to know but I don't feel like wasting more cash on an incompetent software company. Many people's excuse this for you saying "oh BIS are a small indie, they not a big company, be patient, be understanding blah blah blah blah". NO - you got plenty money and staff obviously. DayZ and the wave of Arma 2 purchases that spawned from it alone should keep the lights on for quite a while. If this broken patch isn't fixed very soon then I think it's time some of your fed up customers (or ex customers) mounted a campaign to make you get it right. I am lucky that my pc can even run the game for short periods, if I had paid £40 for something that was completely unplayable I'd be furious and quite rightly so....that would be time to consider contacting trading standards and other regulatory bodies as selling a game and reckoning it will work on someones pc when it clearly doesn't is just lying and scamming a customer out of their hard earned cash. I kinda wish there was a direct competitor for you in the Mil Sim niche because it might just make you try harder. Your games promise longevity, focus and many possibilities with the tools provided however the execution of it all is just shoddy. The joke of it is that on Reddit and some lesser heard of forums saying these things will provoke a response of "you're expecting BIS to put out a working game? MAXIMUM LOLZ etc etc". So come on...please put in the effort and get it right so I can look at my £29.99 beta purchase and think that was money well spent. I also bought Arma 2 CO and the HD skins packs. So as I said previously that's £53 I've spent this year alone. Should I increase my expenditure with DayZ standalone when it turns up? I probably will but if I do this to find desyncy crash to desktop rubbish then I declare war on your company...not some single cpu threaded, poor frame rate, unoptimised, bad AI war either. It would also be nice to play Altis without the frame rate being in the toilet thanks. inb4 thread deleted :D