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Posts posted by Fux911

  1. MAD Multigaming sucht Member !

    Wir sind ein gemischter Clan der deutsch spricht und die Spiele Minecraft, DayZ sowie Arma 3 (Realism Unit) spielen. Daraus leitet sich übrigens auch unser Name ab -> MAD !

    Falls du Lust hast dich uns anzuschliessen dann komm auf unsere Homepage oder direkt in unser TS (Adresse auf unserer Homepage)

    Homepage: www.mad-multigaming.de

    Vielen Dank !

    MAD Multigaming is searching for members !

    We are an mixed german speaking multigaming clan and we Play Minecraft, DayZ and Arma 3 as a realism unit. That is also the reason our clan is named M.A.D

    If you are interested in joining our clan just follow the webadress to our page or come to our Teamspeak ! (TS-IP is on our Hamoepage !)

    Homepage: www.mad-multigaming.de

    Thanlk you !

  2. Hello guys !

    I tried a bit with a shooting range. I have used this code to script the counts of hits the player does while the exercise.

    //====================Schuetzen Scheiben======================

    _scheibe = _this select 0; //==Scheiben Auswahl==

    if (kamera == 1) then


    k = [_scheibe] execVM "kamera.sqf";


    hits = hits + 1; //==Treffer hochzaehlen==

    hint format["%1 Treffer", hits]; //==Treffer anzeigen==

    sleep 3.05; //==Pause==

    _scheibe animate["terc",1]; //==Scheibe hinlegen==


    Now I don't know how to do a reset for the hit counter.

    I'd like to reset the counter under one of the following circumstances:

    option 1: The player reloads his gun


    option 2: The player hits all targets


    option 3: The player has shot the full magazine

    So if anyone could help me on this I would be very thankful !

  3. Well thank you ! I dont have any idea on how to use them... :(

    In real life I am a flight instructor for helicopters. Now it would be like that:

    You ask: How do helicopters fly ?

    I say: there is a cyclic stick, collective pitch and tailrotor pedals.

    And now you can fly dont you ?

  4. Hello to all pro coders and scripters !

    I am thinking about a small money system for my mission. Maybe some of you could help me with this.

    I want to create a mercenary mission. Therefor you need money. My intention is as follows:

    You start with x amount of money.

    I DONT want that you get money regularly like in stratis life.

    I want to get money ONLY when killing a unit. Maybe BLUFOR infantry you get X $, CSAT infantry X $, mechanized X $ and so on.

    Then when you kill some of the previously mentioned units you will have that on your bank account and NOT directly in your pocket.

    Then I want to have a cash machine or banker where you can get your money.

    And finally I want to have a dealer who you sells weapons and other equipment.

    Is that too hard to handle or could you help me with this ?

    Big thanks in advance !

  5. Hello Guys !

    I have a lil problem with my scripting...

    Well I want to make a slowmotion script with this example:

    When a unit gets killed the time should be set to 0.200 after 3 seconds or so it should go back to normal time. I tried If - then - else script but when i write:

    if alive unit then setacctime 1.0 else setacctime 0.2 for 3 seconds then go back to normal time (the brackets are intentionally missing!!!)

    Just another thing, is it possible to get this script working for houses and empty vehicles as well ?

    THANKS for your help !!!!
