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About SoranX

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  1. you can conbine the !alive command like this "!alive T1 and !alive T2"
  2. 1. i dont think you can destroy clipboards or chests, never testet it. but just to test it out take objective 1 somethink destroyable like a ammobox/car or whatevery you like. and name it "T1" create a trigger, on conditions you type in "!alive T1" (means death/destroyed) do not type the "alive T1" also in (it means undestroyed/alive) then type on activation hint "OK lads thats the plans down now lets get the next objective!" so this will do it. whats happens now is when T1 is destroyed youll get an text messege rightside in your screen .
  3. cashes are destroyable to begin with but you need the " !alive" command to get it done like name ur cache "cache1" and typ to the serch and destroy wp conditions "!alive cache1" so the next waypoint will show of after the cache is destroyed. !alive = is for destroyed/death stuff alive = is for undestroyed/alive soldiers.
  4. ok after 2 days of trying out with the supports module il give it up. i tried to get a reload effect for every supports like theres an reload time for drop of 5mins, and artillery 10mins after usage. for both sides west and east. (for an multiplayer map) anyone build somethink like that b4?
  5. hello my requester is syced with 12 players. and it starts with 0 requests. i set it up so that when a sector is captured the 12 players gets 1 artillery. with this code [requester, "Artillery", 1] call BIS_fnc_limitSupport; that all works fine but after that 1 shot of the artillery noone gets another artilery after recaptured the sector. i tried with that script execution just to test ur script just modded it like this //Get number of times used timesUsed = bluforplayer1 getvaraible "BIS_SUPP_used_Artillery"; timesUsed = bluforplayer2 getvaraible "BIS_SUPP_used_Artillery"; timesUsed = bluforplayer3 getvaraible "BIS_SUPP_used_Artillery"; timesUsed = bluforplayer4 getvaraible "BIS_SUPP_used_Artillery"; timesUsed = bluforplayer5 getvaraible "BIS_SUPP_used_Artillery"; timesUsed = bluforplayer6 getvaraible "BIS_SUPP_used_Artillery"; timesUsed = bluforplayer7 getvaraible "BIS_SUPP_used_Artillery"; timesUsed = bluforplayer8 getvaraible "BIS_SUPP_used_Artillery"; timesUsed = bluforplayer9 getvaraible "BIS_SUPP_used_Artillery"; timesUsed = bluforplayer10 getvaraible "BIS_SUPP_used_Artillery"; timesUsed = bluforplayer11 getvaraible "BIS_SUPP_used_Artillery"; timesUsed = bluforplayer12 getvaraible "BIS_SUPP_used_Artillery"; //Decrease it by one bluforplayer1 setvaraible ["BIS_SUPP_used_Artillery", (timesUsed - 1), true ]; bluforplayer2 setvaraible ["BIS_SUPP_used_Artillery", (timesUsed - 1), true ]; bluforplayer3 setvaraible ["BIS_SUPP_used_Artillery", (timesUsed - 1), true ]; bluforplayer4 setvaraible ["BIS_SUPP_used_Artillery", (timesUsed - 1), true ]; bluforplayer5 setvaraible ["BIS_SUPP_used_Artillery", (timesUsed - 1), true ]; bluforplayer6 setvaraible ["BIS_SUPP_used_Artillery", (timesUsed - 1), true ]; bluforplayer7 setvaraible ["BIS_SUPP_used_Artillery", (timesUsed - 1), true ]; bluforplayer8 setvaraible ["BIS_SUPP_used_Artillery", (timesUsed - 1), true ]; bluforplayer9 setvaraible ["BIS_SUPP_used_Artillery", (timesUsed - 1), true ]; bluforplayer10 setvaraible ["BIS_SUPP_used_Artillery", (timesUsed - 1), true ]; bluforplayer11 setvaraible ["BIS_SUPP_used_Artillery", (timesUsed - 1), true ]; bluforplayer12 setvaraible ["BIS_SUPP_used_Artillery", (timesUsed - 1), true ]; //These next two commands are needed to make the modules refresh and notice the change BIS_supp_refresh = TRUE; publicVariable "BIS_supp_refresh"; hint "welldone" but it just still dont work anyhow
  6. guys i made a repeadable trigger with [requester, "Artillery", 1] call BIS_fnc_limitSupport; all 500sec. but it gives me just 1 time the artillery, after i fire it up i wont get it again. any solutions for that?
  7. Hi guys. anyone tried to delay the supports module? like.. i call an Artillery strike, then theres an delay of 10mins for the next Artillery call. + i wantet to enable supply drop later on my mission, but i did not get mannage to enable it later on in missions anyhow. its just aviable when i sync it direct in game, but not with scripting. any ideas guys?