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Everything posted by serpicowasright

  1. serpicowasright

    Battleye blocking tbbmalloc and ACE3

    I'm getting this as well just running Ace3. I don't even play multi-player, just single-player and editor. Why is Battle Eye even running for? As it stands I now can't play some of my scenarios.
  2. serpicowasright

    Arma Maps Wordpress Plugin

    Super cool, love to see Arma content involving the web.
  3. serpicowasright

    L85a2 v3

    Great looking mod, thanks for the work!
  4. Just wanted to say this sounds super cool, the distance effects just add that feeling of immersion.
  5. serpicowasright

    X-Cam prototype map

    Call your doctor or map/mod maker.
  6. serpicowasright

    Petition to add eventhandlers to ammunitions defined in cfgAmmo

    Voted in the past! For Lord Jarhead!
  7. It's amazing what you modders do with ARMA. This reminds me of early Rainbow Six or Ghost Recon. Keep it up, great work!
  8. serpicowasright

    X-Cam prototype map

    Any interesting night time shots?
  9. serpicowasright

    Syrian Army Units - WIP

    Really digging the look of these units, will be a good mix-up with the ISIS units.
  10. serpicowasright

    F/A-18X Black Wasp WIP Thread

    This mod looks great, reminds me of the Israeli F-16I
  11. serpicowasright

    Noubers action menu replacement

    This was right up the alley the Advanced Cockpit Interaction mod was going. Looked like he got pretty far but then dropped it. All this new interaction stuff is really exciting. Improving the interaction would be resolving or improving something that has been going on since OFP.
  12. serpicowasright

    [OPEN BETA] [SP] bCombat infantry AI Mod

    Is there any possibility of integration with PlayWithSix in the future?
  13. serpicowasright

    Advanced Cockpit Interaction

    Has anyone noticed that OP hasn't posted or said anything since September 4th?
  14. serpicowasright

    Advanced Cockpit Interaction

    This looks awesome, I could see a future with vehicle interiors and this ACI system! It would be amazing!