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Posts posted by custard

  1. I have a problem using the Ace gunbag

    Using the init field I have placed a CUP_srifle_AWM_des in the gunbag and a rhsusf_acc_nt4_black in hands

    In the editor playing the character I can take out the sniper rifle but not return either rifle to the gunbag even placing the gunbag on the ground and openng it I still cannot place either rifle in it


    Any help would be appreciated




    Guys you coulda said use the interaction menu :dummy:

  2. Actually it was a missile, there are other videos of missiles being used on SAA jets targeting firing positions such as these. There is another video with a different angle of this and you can clearly see the missile fired from the jet but i cannot find it. The title of the video is correct.


    ---------- Post added at 09:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 PM ----------

    Correct, i have both surround sound 5.1 speakers, and a Creative Titanium soundcard, along with AKG-K701's using great virtual surround, and the directional audio is completely broken in this game, with horns, engines and other noises coming from all directions. It NEEDS to be fixed. Sound is such an important feature in a game such as this where death is so quick and so much can be at stake. The fact that missiles, tank rounds etc. making literally no noise at all as they fly past your head only makes it worse.

    Directional sound has never worked very well in any of the series.

    None of them has come close to GRAW.

    Apologies to mod makers if you improved the directional sound I have never used any of the sound mods.

  3. When Arma was released it put me off and I did not play it for one year I had to be coerced into it by friends, on release I loved ArmaII and played it for a long time. Although it runs ok on my PC and I think the map is awesome, Arma III I just do not want to play it. Our public server is empty so a lot of ppl feel the same. I don't regret the money I paid and I think BIS are the best game maker out there I just feel they have dropped the ball a bit and things have gone back to the bad old days of Arma (on release not by the time it had been fixed).
