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About custard

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  1. Using Advanced Ballistics if I was to inadvertently set zero more than one time with the same weapon in the same scenario would this reset the previous set zero or would I be screwing the pooch? If I have done the later is there a way of reseting my cock up? Thanks in advance
  2. I have a problem using the Ace gunbag Using the init field I have placed a CUP_srifle_AWM_des in the gunbag and a rhsusf_acc_nt4_black in hands In the editor playing the character I can take out the sniper rifle but not return either rifle to the gunbag even placing the gunbag on the ground and openng it I still cannot place either rifle in it Any help would be appreciated Edit Guys you coulda said use the interaction menu
  3. Directional sound has never worked very well in any of the series. None of them has come close to GRAW. Apologies to mod makers if you improved the directional sound I have never used any of the sound mods.
  4. custard

    The island is boring.

    Of all the things that could let down Arma3 the map isn't one of them it is awesome
  5. custard

    Priority of Bugfixing and features of BIS

    Release of the modding tools would help the most and personally I would like the 3d editor.
  6. When Arma was released it put me off and I did not play it for one year I had to be coerced into it by friends, on release I loved ArmaII and played it for a long time. Although it runs ok on my PC and I think the map is awesome, Arma III I just do not want to play it. Our public server is empty so a lot of ppl feel the same. I don't regret the money I paid and I think BIS are the best game maker out there I just feel they have dropped the ball a bit and things have gone back to the bad old days of Arma (on release not by the time it had been fixed).
  7. I did not know to click on a link in the email Thank you for that I now have a key
  8. All mention of the free game has gone as far as I can see, bummer a few hours too late @OP thanks for heads up though