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Everything posted by tmp95

  1. @Massi, When ever you do your next update can you look to put NVGs back on your "DA" units of DevGru and Delta. They are part of the other uniform members just seem left off the DA units. Much thanks!
  2. Resloved. Had to completely reinstall and insert new path routes to A3 mod launcher - Question - When giving orders in Planning mode. How do I point the direction I want a unit to be looking in once I have them stop??
  3. Hmm. I'm having an issue getting CBA updated I believe. How does the Y key work for surpression?? isn't that key used for "combat pace"??
  4. I get the following error message whenever I load A3 with latest CBA7 hot fix 2 installed - NoEntry bin/config.bin/recdisplaymain/config / button play I've gone trhough process of activation and deactivation of the 6 mods I use. CBA7 is the cause. (If I just reinstall an older CBA4 that I have on file) all works??
  5. You don't need the latest CBA 7 to play with C2 do you?
  6. Ahh, on most units they are. They seem to be left OFF the gear list of your DA units (for both Delta and DevGru). Is this just a mix up on latest (great) update.
  7. If I installed lastest CBA. But want to roll back. Is this easily possible? (just delete current @CBA folder and reinstall an older one??)
  8. I'm back to A3 after long break. About 6 months. I updated equip mod here (love your work!) curious, though, none of my DevGru units come standard with NVGs now?? Or is something off with mine? I was just play testing around and opened up and mission in editor. Happened to be dark mission and no joy on any of my team with NVGs? this wasn't the case ever before.
  9. I loved your originally mod. I've been away for several months. Back and updated to latest 1.48 patch. However, whenever your mod is activated. I can't click on anything once on main page. I get the following error NoEntry bin/config.bin/recdisplaymain/config / button play I've gone trhough process of activation and deactivation of the 6 mods I use. Yours is the one causing the issue?? Huh, actually it seems I get this error only when I have your GREAT mod and the latest CBA 7 hotfx2 installed. Rolling back to earlier CBA solved it for now.
  10. I'm just back to A3 (first time in months and months). Updated to latest patch (via steam). Yet, when I load up, it goes to my main screen and then I get the following error message (No Entry Bin/config.bin . recdisplaymain/controls/button play . ) Any help?? If I hit escape it allowed to then move around but once in editor it completely stops allowing me to move around again. Can't click on anything. At that point hitting escape does nothing.
  11. How exactly do I set up the Helicopter Attack CAS module ? DO I Sync it to my Leadership unit? I've tried this and it didn't seem to work. Also tried grouping it to my unit.
  12. Which weapons mod or any mod for that matter has the flash bang gernades for use in A3? Thank you
  13. I have latest (I believe) update with this great mod. Are others having issues still? I don't appear to be but have not been playing that much. Just curious ?
  14. Is there any simple DRONE CAS scripts out there? Nothing elaborate. Just a simple CAS system where you can order a strike from a "non present" drone to hit a target?
  15. Looking forward to next update. Love this mod.
  16. Was looking for a nice simple CAS script for A3 - I use to use JW CUSTOMs great CAS script. But does not seem to work with latest updates.
  17. I would like to place a simple FOB on a new map. How do I go about doing such?
  18. Continue to love this mod the more I get use to it and using it for certain situations. I do every once in awhile get to where one of my guys (or two) seem to not want to execute their order. When this happens it is hard to clear the system to continue to issue orders as their order (path) they would not execute stays on the screen. Other units will execute given orders during this. Just not say solider #3. If I spawn into them, then out. Sometimes this clears it up.
  19. Why doesn't BIS include Flash bangs yet? Seems odd. Also is there any stand alone Flash Bangs out there (had one in A2 and in A3 back in the day but that one does not work now).
  20. Thanks! But this one no longer works. I playtested yesterday and it explodes but no flash bang results
  21. If I want a group of soldiers to stay in the crouched position. What term do I use in the script. I've used crouch but it doesn't seem to work.
  22. tmp95


    So still no standalone option for a flash bang?
  23. Huh. Seems like CROUCH should work. I'm using this within a patrol zone by UPSMON. Want the group to stay in a crouched positon while moving.... (thanks for link).