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Posts posted by tmp95

  1. I just recently updated my JBAD and all of a sudden I can't open most buildings doors?? I used the older version from I think 2016 or 2017 for years with no trouble. Just tonight while updating I cannot now open most doors on Kunduz map (non CUP) and another Lyitum (sp) map.  Solutions? THANKS!

  2. Since 1.70 Update.  This fantastic mod only works if I place a limited # of enemy on the map. Once I place a certain amount (say 30 + enemy) I can no longer control my BluFor groups. I can click on them, the issue order pop up appears but once I click on set waypoints (or set formation) it goes right away and wont issue orders.  Works fine with only a limited number of enemies placed. But once I hit a threshold my BluFor units are unable to take orders. ??

  3. /*===========================================================================================
     Random House Patrol Script v2.2 for Arma 3
     by Tophe of Östgöta Ops [OOPS]
     Contact & bugreport: BIS forums
    Place unit close to a house and put this in the init field: 
    guard = [this] execVM "HousePatrol.sqf"

    guard = [this, MODE, STAND TIME, EXCLUDED POS, STARTING POS, DEBUG] execVM "HousePatrol.sqf"
    * BEHAVIOUR - set unit behaviour.
     guard = [this,"COMBAT"] execVM "HousePatrol.sqf"
     Default: SAFE
    * STAND TIME - Set maximum amount of seconds the unit will wait before moving to next waypoint.
     guard = [this,"SAFE",50] execVM "HousePatrol.sqf"
     Options: Any value in seconds. 0 = continuous patrol.
     Default: 30
    * EXCLUDED POSITIONS - exclude certain building positions from patrol route.
     guard = [this,"SAFE",30, [5,4]] execVM "HousePatrol.sqf"
     Options: Array of building positions
     Default: [] (no excluded positions)
    * STARTING POS - Some building positions doesn't work well will the setPos command.
     Here you may add a custom starting pos. Negative number means starting pos will be randomized.
     guard = [this,"SAFE",30, [5,4], 2] execVM "HousePatrol.sqf"
     Options: Any available building position
     Default: -1 (random)
    * STANCE - Tell the unit what stance to use.
     To keep the unit from going prone you can set this to MIDDLE or UP.
     AUTO will be the standard behaviour and unit will crawl around in combat mode.
     HIGH is the default mode. This is like AUTO but prone position is excluded.
     Options: UP, DOWN, MIDDLE, AUTO, HIGH
     Default: HIGH
    * DEBUG - Use markers and chatlog for mission design debugging.
     guard = [this,"SAFE",30, [], -1, true] execVM "HousePatrol.sqf"  
     Options: true/false
     Default: false
    if (!isServer) exitWith {};
    sleep random 1;
    // Set variables
    _unit     = _this select 0;
    _behaviour    = if (count _this > 1) then {toUpper(_this select 1)} else {"SAFE"};
    _maxWaitTime   = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {30};
    _excludedPositions  = if (count _this > 3) then {_this select 3} else {[]};
    _startingPos   = if (count _this > 4) then {_this select 4} else {-1};
    _stance    = if (count _this > 5) then {toUpper(_this select 5)} else {"HIGH"};
    _debug     = if (count _this > 6) then {_this select 6} else {false};
    _position = getPos _unit;
    _house = nearestBuilding _unit;
    _numOfBuildingPos = 0;
    _currentBuildingPos = 0;
    _lastBuildingPos = 0;
    _waitTime = 0;
    _timeout = 0;
    _behaviours = ["CARELESS", "SAFE", "AWARE", "COMBAT", "STEALTH"];
    _stances = ["UP", "DOWN", "MIDDLE", "AUTO", "HIGH"];
    _name = vehicleVarName _unit;

    if (isNil _name) then
     _name = format["Guard x%1y%2", floor (_position select 0), floor (_position select 1)]
    // Set behaviour of unit
    if (_behaviour in _behaviours) then
     _unit setBehaviour _behaviour;
     _unit setBehaviour "SAFE";

    // Set unit stance
    if (_stance == "HIGH") then
     _stanceCheck =
      _unit = _this select 0;
      while {alive _unit} do
       if (unitPos _unit == "DOWN") then
        if (random 1 < 0.5) then {_unit setUnitPos "MIDDLE"} else {_unit setUnitPos "UP"};    
        sleep random 5;
        _unit setUnitPos "AUTO";
     [_unit] spawn _stanceCheck;
     if (_stance in _stances) then {
      _unit setUnitPos _stance;
     else {
      _unit setBehaviour "UP";

    // Find number of positions in building
    while {format ["%1", _house buildingPos _numOfBuildingPos] != "[0,0,0]"} do {
     _numOfBuildingPos = _numOfBuildingPos + 1;
    // DEBUGGING - Mark house on map, mark building positions ingame, broadcast information
    if (_debug) then {
     for [{_i = 0}, {_i <= _numOfBuildingPos}, {_i = _i + 1}] do {
      if (!(_i in _excludedPositions)) then { 
       _arrow = "Sign_Arrow_F" createVehicle (_house buildingPos _i);
       _arrow setPos (_house buildingpos _i);
     player globalChat format["%1 - Number of available positions: %2", _name, _numOfBuildingPos];
     if (count _excludedPositions > 0) then
      player globalChat format["%1 - Excluded positions: %2", _name, _excludedPositions];
     _marker = createMarker [_name, position _unit];
     _marker setMarkerType "mil_dot";
     _marker setMarkerText _name;
     _marker setMarkerColor "ColorGreen";
    // Put unit at random starting pos.
    while {_startingPos in _excludedPositions || _startingPos < 0} do {
     _startingPos = floor(random _numOfBuildingPos);
    if (_startingPos > _numOfBuildingPos - 1) then {
     _startingPos = _numOfBuildingPos - 1
    if (_numOfBuildingPos > 0) then {
     _unit setPos (_house buildingPos _startingPos);
     _unit setPos (getPos _unit);
    // DEBUGGING - broadcast starting position
    if (_debug) then {
     player globalChat format["%1 - starting at building pos %2", _name, _startingPos]
    // Have unit patrol inside house
    while {alive _unit && (_numOfBuildingPos - count _excludedPositions) > 0} do {
     if (_numOfBuildingPos < 2) exitWith {};
     while {_lastBuildingPos == _currentBuildingPos || _currentBuildingPos in _excludedPositions} do {
      _currentBuildingPos = floor(random _numOfBuildingPos);
     _waitTime = floor(random _maxWaitTime);
     _unit doMove (_house buildingPos _currentBuildingPos);
     _unit moveTo (_house buildingPos _currentBuildingPos);
     sleep 0.5;
     _timeout = time + 50;
     waitUntil {moveToCompleted _unit || moveToFailed _unit || !alive _unit || _timeout < time}; 
     if (_timeout < time) then {_unit setPos (_house buildingPos _currentBuildingPos)};
     // DEBUGGING - move marker to new position
     if (_debug) then {
      _name setMarkerPos position _unit;
      _text = format["%1: moving to pos %2", _name, _currentBuildingPos];
      _name setMarkerText _text;
     sleep _waitTime;
     _lastBuildingPos = _currentBuildingPos;
    // DEBUGGING - Change marker color if script ends
    if (_debug) then {
     player globalChat format["%1 - ended house patrol loop", _name];
     _name setMarkerColor "ColorRed";

  4. Odd since last update. This works on it's own. But no longer works if I used a long time used HOUSE PATROL script.   If I use older used saved missions (with same patrol script) it works.  But any new created missions in which this patrol script is used. This won't work. It won't allow me to give any orders to friendly AI units (though they all show up in map mode).    This patrol script is below (sorry, not attaced to this one).   I can't seem to find a conflict but certainly is one with latest update and these two together.

  5. On ‎6‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 0:49 AM, Rockapes said:

    Anyone know if Duda is still working on this? Does it still work as I'm having trouble getting the mod to work on 1.70 



    Edit- My apologies I found on Steampage about middle mouse button, now everything works... awesome...Love this mod Duda



    What was the fix??  I love this mod? Old made missions still work when I call them up. But any new made missions since last patch....I cannot control other units in map mode now.  No matter what key I push  (or mouse) it won't select any of the options for other AI units.   What is the fix?  Much appreciated.

  6. I use to use the random start option. By placing several markerts and then linking them to an AI.  He would then begin at any of those locations randomly.  However, I can't get that to work since last few updates.  I have an AI man.  I place 3 markers on map. I then click my AI guy and say set to random marker (linking each three places back to him. From marker to him).  Yet when game starts he is just on the map where placed. Not in any of those locations.  On occasion he will go to one them. But on most he is just on the map where placed??

  7. 5 hours ago, road runner said:

    Wrong, they don't make updates to cater for the addon makers, the addon makers work around BIS updates.

    The product is VERY usable, the addons YOU chose to use, make them unusable, not the product.

    It's down to addon makers to keep their products up to date with the platform updates.


    Perhaps..... But I'd bet dollars to doughnuts without the modding community A2 or A3 would not ever have happened. It is the modding community that made BIS what it became. And for those of us who work 50+ hours weekly we are greatly appreciative to those very talented modders (like Massi) and all the work they do. Nor do we have the time to learn modding of particular subsets within the game.  We also have dozens and dozens of hours into mission building which use said "mods".  So once they are broken it isn't that easy to just say, well it is still useable, just don't use those.  As a point of fact, sure, ....but as a paying customer looking for an experience he wants, not exactly.  


    Here's hoping Massi desires for A3 come back to him when he gets time.

    • Like 1

  8. Further playtesting.  The flashbangs still work and only work for the first person you spawn into the game as. But even within that player. FB work about 8 out of 10 times. 2 of them will go off as duds?   Love this mod. Definitely hope the mod creator can fix it back up.
